Fashion Magazine

How to Measure Your Body Proportions

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

Iv’e been asked once again to share with you how to measure your body proportions, so I made a new video to help you figure out where you are proportionally longer and shorter.

Just remember, when you’re measuring.

1 head length (top of head to base of chin) – use this length to determine the rest of your frame (unless you have a really large/long head for the rest of your body).

Then, with each proportion, when you measure, if the proportion is not balanced, when you go to measure the next proportion, start the measuring point from where the last proportion was supposed to end, rather than where it did end.

Points to measure:

  1. Head length
  2. Base of chin to mid bust (bust peak)
  3. Bust peak to natural waist (that bit that dips in between your rib cage and your hip bone, not necessarily where your belly button is)
  4. Natural waist to leg break (where the leg bends at the hip, normally around 1″ or 2.5cm above the crotch)
  5. Leg break to mid-knee (this is 2 head lengths)
  6. Mid knee to ground (2 head lengths

Then measure from:

  1. Top of head to leg break
  2. Leg break to the ground

Is one of these two proportions noticeably longer than the other?

You may have:

  1. Longer legs, shorter body
  2. Longer body, shorter legs
  3. Fairly balanced, but shorter through your mid section from bust peak to knees) with longer or balanced head to mid-bust, and knees to the ground.
  4. Balanced - all proportions very similar

You can then read about dressing these proportions and all their variations.

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