Environment Magazine

How to Make Your Office Eco-friendly

By Gfl

With recent improvements in technology & communications, many people are ditching the commute to the office and working from home instead. If you work or run a business from a garden office, our latest guest article will help you make your office as efficient and eco-friendly as possible.

Going green in the office seems impossible when you first think about it. You can get through a month’s worth of equipment in a couple of weeks if you’re busy enough. However, there are some small things you can do to keep your office eco-friendly and running smoothly.

Use more digital documents

This is one of the simpler ways to be more eco-friendly and might actually save you a lot of hassle. The time it takes to print off and send a document to a colleague or client is so much longer than the time it would take to simply email it to them. Instead of handing out print-outs at meetings you could make a slideshow to give them all the information without wasting paper.

You might want to consider getting a more efficient storage system – like Dropbox – to easily share and exchange files around the office without needing to print them out.


This seems like an obvious tip, but it could be done in more ways than one. You can start by bringing recycling bins into the office and disposing of your waste more efficiently. Recycling can also extend to include reusing equipment. Things like paper, packaging, bags and paper can all be reused and, if taken care of, will last a long time. Doing something like this might also help you save some money around the office since you won’t be buying as much equipment as you normally would. However, you should take this into consideration when deciding on the type of equipment you want to buy. Window envelopes, for example, are difficult to recycle. If you stick to simple paper envelopes you can easily relabel and reuse them around the office. Choosing the right eco-friendly manufacturers is also an important part of making your office greener.

Get the right office

Finding the right office is probably the most important part of creating an eco-friendly office. If the electricity used in your office isn’t managed efficiently you could be wasting money as well as damaging the environment. You should look at commercial property to rent that can be accessed by public transport, has effective insulation and windows (to save on temperature management) and plumbing that’s in good condition.

Another great idea to think about when choosing your next office is to consider using more natural light. Not only will natural light save you money and energy, it’s also been proven that sunlight can improve the performance and mood of your workers. It can also help to prevent sleep disorders.

Manage your equipment

Before you start ordering more pens or pads make sure you count how many you have. There might be spares hanging around the office, hiding in drawers, or maybe they’ve only been half used. Keeping track of the equipment you use can save you money and prevent wastage. Encourage your workers to take care of their equipment and investing high quality equipment as opposed to ordering cheap equipment in excess will save on how much you throw away.

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