A fun new feature that WhatsApp has received is the option to create a custom avatar. We’ve already seen this in services like Facebook Messenger and Apple’s iMessage (and FaceTime), but now you can do it with WhatsApp on an Android phone as well.
Then, you may use it in conversations to express your joy, sadness, or other emotions.
This is how you make one.
On December 7, 2022, WhatsApp announced that the functionality would begin to go out. This implies that depending on when you read this, avatars might not be accessible on your device just yet. Open the app, hit the three dots in the upper right corner, and choose Settings to find out. There should be a new area called, oddly enough, Avatar beneath the Account option.
If WhatsApp does not yet have the Avatar section, check the app store on your phone to see if any upgrades are available. Hopefully, the feature will soon be accessible to all users.
How to create an avatar on WhatsApp:
Start the process:
Go to Settings > Avatar as previously said, and then press the Create Your Avatar icon.
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Choose your look:
The first choice is to decide on the skin tone you want for your avatar.
Design your features:
You will be able to choose your haircut, facial shape, eyes, nose, lips, cosmetics, whether or not you wear glasses, and even whether or not you have nose piercings at this point. Simply select one of the squares in the main area that contains the example to accomplish this. Then, to navigate the choices, press the icons in the strip between the huge squares below and the entire image of your symbol.
Determine your body type and attire:
You may now select your body type and the outfits you want your avatar to wear when the face and hair have been finished. There are many different clothing options, accessories, and jewelry to choose from. If you have hearing loss, you can also choose to display a hearing aid.
Complete your avatar:
Your new avatar will be accessible in the Stickers area of your Chats as soon as you touch the Save changes button after making your selections. Of course, you are always welcome to modify your appearance by going back to the Avatar area. Simply repeat the previous steps.
Utilize your avatar:
You may now choose your new effigy in all its splendor by tapping the emoji button at the bottom of the screen, which is near to the keyboard when you wish to choose an avatar to use in a discussion. Simply select the one that most accurately captures the feeling you wish to convey throughout the talk.
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How to change your profile image from your avatar:
You may also use your avatar as your profile image, so it’s not only for conversations. You only need to go to Settings, press your profile image, pick Edit > Edit, and then select Use Avatar to do this. Your cartoon self will now be visible to your pals when you enter their conversations.