
How to Make a Jade Tree Bloom

Posted on the 18 January 2023 by L'Express

The jade tree is a plant that does not require a green thumb to be able to maintain it. In addition to brightening up your interior, this plant can also perfume it with its sweet fragrance.

Easy to care for, the jade tree is a popular plant known for its delicately scented, star-shaped leaves. Find out how to make it bloom to embalm your interior with its refreshing scent.

The jade tree is a very popular plant that brings an original touch to every interior. In addition, its sweet fragrance can quickly embalm the room where it is. Easy to maintain and grow, here are some tips that will help this plant to bloom with its superb foliage.

A jade tree placed in a room. Source: spm

  • Maintain your jade tree to make it bloom

In order for your jade tree to flourish, you need a lot of patience. Also, it takes several years for this plant to fully flower. In fact, sometimes you have to wait nine or even ten years. The flowering time of the jade tree often occurs in the winter period, from the beginning of January. We can then see a multitude of white flowers in the shape of stars. In effect, if your plant is at room temperature, 15°C maximum, these could appear as early as November. To achieve this result, it is nevertheless necessary to maintain your plant well.

Jade tree having blossomed

Jade tree having blossomed. Source: spm

If you want to grow your jade tree in the ground, you must plant it in fairly mineral, well-drained soil, and if possible on a slope so that the water does not stagnate. It is advisable to plant it under a tree to protect it from the cold and rain in winter. If you are growing a jade tree in a pot, make sure it is clay and contains a mix of potting soil and draining materials. For optimal growth, place a layer of clay pebbles in the bottom of the pot so that the substrate is well drained.

  • Properly water and fertilize your jade tree

During the growth period, it is advisable to water your plant at least once a week. You can also add a little fertilizer once a month in the summer. When autumn arrives, it is advisable to gradually stop all forms of watering and not resume until mid-April. Excessive watering could be fatal to the plant, its branches could become soft and blackish. In this case, do not hesitate to remove the damaged parts and to cut the stems that are still viable. The jade tree also feeds on light, so it is important to expose it to sunlight from May to September. Indeed, it is a small shrub that appreciates strong light. Finally, you can consider repotting your plant when it starts to get cramped. It is best to carry out this operation, using potting soil and sand.

If the maintenance of the jade tree seems quite easy, it is still necessary to give it constant attention.

You now know that it takes patience to get your jade tree to flower properly. Do not hesitate to maintain it well so that it can eventually embalm your home with its sweet fragrance.

Read also: How to plant and grow a jade tree at home?


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