Lifestyle Magazine

How to Make a Declaration of Love to Propose Marriage

By Mountain Publishing @mountainpublish

To find the right person for each one is not an easy task. She may have always been in front of you without you noticing her, or maybe you have spent years searching until you met her. However, what is sure is once you realize she’s the one, that she’s for you, you want to have her by your side forever.

Getting married can be a simple thing that comes naturally, but it can also be a stressful thing for the moral obligation to make the perfect request. The first thing you have to understand is that there’s no such thing as a perfect marriage proposal. There are many ways to do it and they’re all a good idea, depending on your circumstances, your wishes, your preferences or interests, and even your mood.

Saying it with flowers is a classic detail, but really nice. Now you can buy her favorite flowers, leave your romantic message and send them everywhere. It will be a wonderful surprise, and you can add a bottle of champagne or chocolate. It would be a marriage proposal very hard to refuse.

It is also a very common option to make the request after a romantic dinner. Go to your favorite restaurant, order a delicious meal, and there’s no better dessert than to express your feelings for the one you love. You can also hide the ring inside the cake or in the champagne, although that can cause some funny problems.

A journey can be the perfect solution, New York, Paris or Rome, are usually common places to declare love. At the top of the Empire State Building, in the Eiffel Tower, or next to the Trevi Fountain. But it can also be much more special if the trip is to a place that she always wanted to go.

As original and eye-catching propositions, you can place an ad near where she lives, organize a big surprise with friends, or even put her name in the sky with a small plane. It will depend on the money you have, but remember that love cannot be priced!

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