Hi Imogen. I’d like to ask you about a certain style that has been around for quite awhile now. Being a tall H I’m glad I don’t have to tuck in my blouses. I’m from the tucked in generation (in my 50′s) and I keep on seeing jackets that end way above the hem of the sweater or blouse. 4-6 inches or more. It always looks sloppy to me. Can you tell me what the purpose of this style is? Thanks.
Thanks for your question. Here are my thoughts on what looks best with layering tops under jackets.
How to layer tops under jackets by imogenl featuring a red bolero jacket
A cropped waist length jacket (orange pictured) can work with either a top that ends at the waist, high hip or low hip.
A low hip jacket (ends upper thighs) really needs a top that ends a few inches above the hem of the jacket. (pictured grey)
A high hip length jacket (pictured navy) looks best if the top ends at the same point, or within 1-2 inches maximum below the end of the jacket – no longer.
I agree – that 4-6 inches longer of a top or blouse does tend to look messy and it usually throws off the proportions of the garments which is why you are not loving this look.