Lifestyle Magazine

How to Keep Your Makeup Kit Clean

By Julia Fernandes @appshub

While taking care of their skin most of the ladies do not care much about the makeup kit which they use for the improving upon their beauty. This is due to inbuilt habit of lethargy and laziness (in some ladies). If you critically see their beauty boxes you will come to know about the extent of indolence. The beauty boxes would be dirty, with dust and grease sticking up with the brushes. The boxes would also smell very foul, though it may feel very normal to the user person.

How to Keep Your Makeup Kit Clean

In a survey of 1,000 women, 65% of them admitted to washing their brushes less than once a month - and 25% owned up to never having washed theirs at all. If you think about all the oils and make-up residue that the bristles pick up everyday, then it's no wonder dirty brushes can lead to skin irritations, spots and breakouts.

If you want to keep yourself free of skin diseases please note that your beauty box and its contents must be hygienically clean. As a user you ensure that your beauty box and bag is thoroughly cleaned at least twice a year. All the old and disused cosmetics should be disposed off. Never use cosmetics that have gone past their expiry period, otherwise it may damage your skin. Similarly use of dirty brushes and eye needles may risk your skin and eyes of a bacterial attack.

Before going to bed it is advisable that all the make-up should be washed off from the face and hands. If the chemical contents are allowed to remain on the skin over the night it will create corrosive effect on the affected parts.

Cleaning of Brushes

Never keep your brushes out of makeup kit in the open as they will gather a lot of dust. Especially the brushes that you use for cream or liquid products. Second, always deep-clean them after three to four uses. Use warm water and make sure you clean them until the water runs clear. Always store them on their side on a ledge or upside down when drying to prevent the water from affecting the glue that holds the brush together.

Cleaning of Eye Shadows

Sanitize your eye shadows, this sounds strange? But let's say someone borrows your makeup, or you used it right when you got sick. If you want to kill the germs which may fester, here's what you can do. Skim the tip layer of the shadow by just removing it with a tissue. This won't actually harm the shadow, just kill the germs. This is a handy tip!

Cleaning of Lipstick

Apparently lipstick doesn't require cleaning but it does! Mostly women share their lipstick with other friends and who knows whether friend was having some kind of unknown sickness. If she seems to be fine, she might be immune to those germs. Therefore, it is recommended to clean it along with other makeup kit items every once in a while. Turn your lipstick tube up a bit, and wipe off the top layer of lipstick, just with a tissue (its even enough if you are in a hurry). Then, pour a small amount of alcohol into a glass and dip the exposed lipstick into the alcohol for few seconds. Remove it and gently dab the alcohol off and allow to dry. This is harmless to the lipstick and will keep it clean and in good shape.

Benefits of Keeping Makeup Kit Clean

Cleanliness is very important for human life with some benefits for your skins also. We can presume that it is not necessary to have good skin rather your health is of much more importance. It doesn't mean that you don't pay any kind of attention to skin but it only means that life (health) gets priority over all other things in the World. If there is no life, how can you be beautiful and even if you are having attractive skin, with some serious disease, there will be no use of your beauty. All the people around you are going to feel pity on you. So the end result is that you must keep your makeup kit in a clean condition.

Also Read:

How to Look Beautiful Without Makeup

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