
How to Keep Your London House Warm on a Budget

Posted on the 04 November 2024 by Bboj Handyman

The days are becoming shorter and the nights are getting colder, which means that it is time to start thinking about how to keep your London home warm and cosy over the winter months. Before the temperatures really start to plunge, it is useful to make sure you have everything in place to keep the warmth in your home and keep your energy bills down at the same time.

Here are nine ways to keep your house warm on a budget:

Bleed your radiators

Most London properties have central heating with warm water heated up in a combi boiler and pumped through radiators to keep each room warm. Over time, air can creep into your central heating system and cause air bubbles in your radiators. This prevents the hot water from efficiently running through them and will mean they provide less heat. Luckily, by regularly bleeding your radiators you can release the air from the system and get your radiators back to running efficiently again.

Reflect the heat

If any of the radiators in your home are attached to external walls, the heat transfer could mean you are losing a lot of heat to the outside. To reduce the amount of heat loss, you can install a simple reflective surface behind your radiator to reflect more of the heat back into the room. By reflecting this heat back into your home, the house will heat up more quickly and will require less energy to stay warm, which will reduce your bills.

Consider upgrading your radiators

Older radiators we often made from a single panel without any fins and are significantly less efficient than modern alternatives. New radiators generally fall into three categories: single panel radiators (type 11); double panel single convection radiators (Type 21); and double panel double convection radiators (Type 22). All will improve the efficiency of your central heating system if you currently only have older single panel radiators, with type 22 radiators the most efficient way to heat your home.

Replacing radiators may sound like a major undertaking, but for a skilled handyman with the right tools and knowledge once the central heating system has been drained, replacing one radiator with another of the same size is a relatively simple and quick task. Moreover, with type 22 radiators available to buy for under £55, you could significantly upgrade the efficiency of all the radiators in your home for a reasonable one-off cost that will save you significant money on energy usage year after year.

Check your thermostat

Most modern thermostats should help you limit your energy usage by letting you select a temperature to heat your home up to and a timer for when to switch it off. This is much more efficient than simply switching your heating on and off manually.

If you have a smart thermostat, you might also have more granular controls so that you can set the temperature and timer of each room separately. Or, with the most advanced systems you could also set up your heating to automatically switch off when your house is empty, meaning that you never waste energy heating an empty property.

Only heat the rooms you use

Heating rooms in your house which are unused is a major waste of energy. If you only use your dining room or spare bedroom when you have guests then you should turn off the radiators in those rooms when you do not have anybody staying.

Make use of hot water bottles

Boiling the kettle once to fill a hot water bottle uses significantly less energy than giving your central heating a boost if you are feeling cold. On the coldest nights, consider whether you want to up the temperature of your central heating by a few degrees or whether simply hugging a hot water bottle might be enough for the night.

Dress for the weather

It may feel pleasant to be able to walk around your home in just a single layer, but if you would like to reduce your energy bills then one of the most cost effective ways is to simply wear more layers when you are inside. A nice warm jumper, some thick socks, and slippers are a must-have in the winter months and can last years!

Curtains and blinds

To use your curtains and blinds most effectively you should have them open when the sun is out to let the natural sunlight in to help warm your home. And when the sun goes down, pulling them closed will help keep the warmth from your central heating inside your home and reducing the amount lost through the windows.

Check your door and window seals

Cold air can sneak into your home through tiny gaps around your door and window frames. If you can feel a slight draft around any of your doors or windows then you are losing heat and if possible should get the seals either repaired or replaced.

Adding draft excluders at the base of internal doors can also help keep the warmth inside the room, which is especially useful if you have turned off the heating in underused rooms of your home already!

If you would like some help improving the energy efficiency of your home, such as by bleeding or upgrading your radiators, repairing or replacing the seals on your windows and doors, or hanging new curtains to keep in the warmth then book a handyman from Bits Bob & Odd Jobs today. Call us now on 020 8244 5070 or book online.

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