
How to Install MariaDB on Ubuntu 20.04 Linux Operating System

Posted on the 27 June 2020 by Satish Kumar @satish_kumar86
MariaDB is a multi-thread, open-source relational database management system, a perfect replacement of MySQL database system. MariaDB maintained and developed by the MariaDB Foundation, including some of the MySQL developers. Ubuntu new release is coming with MariaDB default database system which is replacement of MySQL.

In this tutorial article, we will learn the methods to install MariaDB into Ubuntu 20.04 operating system.

There are two methods to install MariaDB into Ubuntu machine; one is use to directly install to Ubuntu repository and another to use MariaDB repository to install the latest MariaDB package.


Before starting MariaDB install into Ubuntu machine, make sure you have a Ubuntu 20.04 running machine and a user to login into the system with sudo privileges.

Install MariaDB on Ubuntu 20.04 Server

You should follow below steps for MariaDB installation process on Ubuntu 20.04 Server:

Step 1 – Update Ubuntu 20.04 Repository

Before installing any new package on Ubuntu 20.04 operating system first need to update the repository package list, which is performed by the following command:

$ sudo apt update
Step 2 – Install MariaDB Once the repositories package list updated in your system, you can start the MariaDB installation using below command:
$ sudo apt install mariadb-server
Linux Concept - mariadb install apt debian
Step 3 – Verify MariaDB Installation You can verify MariaDB installation by checking the status of MariaDB service, as shown below:
$ sudo systemctl status mariadb
If MariaDB is installed and running properly, you will get output with Active and running status like below image.
Linux Concept - mariadb status debian

MariaDB Install on Ubuntu 20.04 using MariaDB Repository

If you want to install MariaDB latest version into your Ubuntu 20.04 system which not released into default Ubuntu 20.04 repositories, you can use MariaDB repository directly to install Latest MariaDB.

To install the Latest release of MariaDB on Ubuntu 20.04 using MariaDB repository follow below steps:

Step 1 – Enable MariaDB Repository To install MariaDB using MariaDB repository first need to enable MariaDB repository and import repository key by using the following command:
$ sudo apt install software-properties-common dirmngr
$ sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 0xF1656F24C74CD1D8
$ sudo add-apt-repository 'deb [arch=amd64,i386,ppc64el] stretch main'
Step 2 – Update package List and install MariaDB After enabling MariaDB repository need to update repository packages and install MariaDB server by using the following command:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install mariadb-server
Step 3 – Verify MariaDB Installation Once MariaDB gets installed it services automatically get started, you can verify it by checking MariaDB service, as shown below:
$ sudo systemctl status mariadb
If MariaDB is running correctly you will get the screen with Active and running status as below image:
Linux Concept - mariadb latest status debian

MariaDB Secure Installation

You need to run mysql_secure_installation script to secure MariaDB installation as shown below:
$ sudo mysql_secure_installation
This script will ask you to set the root user password, restrict root access to localhost, remove anonymous users, and remove the test database.
Linux Concept - mariadb secure installation debian
Linux Concept - mariadb secure installation debian part 2
After completion of the script, it will reload privilege tables, and all the changes take effect immediately.

MariaDB Connection through CLI

To connect the MariaDB server through terminal or command-line interface, you should use mysql command as shown below:
$ mysql –u root –p
The above command will connect with MariaDB shell using the root user. The next screen will appear to enter the password for user root. Once you get the connection with MariaDB shell you will get the screen as shown below image:
Linux Concept - mariadb connection debian


Now, we learned how to install MariaDB into Ubuntu 20.04 machine. We also learned to install MariaDB directly from MariaDB repository, how to secure MariaDB installation and connect process from CLI.

If you have any doubt or issue with installation, feel free to leave comment below.

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