
How to Increase Your Brand Traffic on Social Media

Posted on the 20 January 2019 by Meet Rv @wemeetrv

Social media is the best way to promote your business. The best part about is that it’s free and your posts can reach your targeted audience around the world instantly. Having a large following for your social media account will lead to an increase in brand recognition, consumer loyalty, and a higher conversion rate.

Instagram is a widely used social media network that many big brands use for marketing. The use of photos and videos to communicate with consumers and gain visibility makes it very unique. Sometimes all it takes is posting the right Instagram post and consumers get engaged in your marketing message and you don’t need to make hard sale pitches to sell your brand. Many people are turning to social media to do their shopping and Instagram will help in converting passive shoppers to confident customers.

If you’re new to Instagram or have been using it to market your brand, these tips will help to increase your brand following.

Use lifestyle photos to capture your brand culture

Since Instagram is more of a visual platform than a direct sales market, you can focus on posting high-quality images that add value and are appealing to keep your followers wanting more. Your images should be eye-catching and creative highlighting the products you’re promoting which will be easily recognized by your customers once they go to your profile. Lifestyle photos are a great way of engaging your followers where you use life-inspired scenes, backgrounds, and models to enhance your product so that users can imagine what it would feel like using your products. You will strengthen your brand equity if you present your product, its culture, and the lifestyle that comes with it.

Use hashtags

Just like you use keywords to increase your website traffic, hashtags will help keep your content relevant for longer. When you combine the right hashtags you increase your brand awareness, attract more customers, and boost your sales. However, it’s not that simple. Most posts have at least one hashtag putting more than five hashtags or your post will have a cluttered look and loose engagement. You will need to come up with relevant keywords and phrases that are relevant to your brand and make sure they are well balanced and unique. Do research on popular and trending hashtags and see if the people who use these tags fit with your image. Create your own hashtags that you can use on all your content to make it easy to search your brand and also users can use your unique tags on their photos. If you work or know Instagram influencers, you can ask them to use the same combination of tags in their posts which will boost your brand traffic and followers.

Take advantage of Instagram stories

Instagram has Instagram stories feature that more than 300 million people use daily and a third of those stories are from businesses. You can use this feature to post many photos and videos to share with your followers in a single post which disappears after 24 hours giving you a further reach and engagement rates with chances of being featured in the Explore section to gain new followers. Followers are automatically sent alerts when there are new live or prerecorded stories whose main goal is to draw people in to watch live happenings or a prerecorded coverage of your products or a one-time promotion. You can come up with a video that showcases the experiences of different customers who used your brand and share it with your followers.

Know the right time to post on Instagram

You need to find out when is the right time to post your photos or videos on Instagram. You need to consider the time zone of your audience and the time they will most likely check their Instagram. Depending on which expert you consult, Instagram posting time will vary widely. Instead, use the insight feature in your Instagram business account to find out when your followers are active and schedule your posts accordingly to make sure your posts are among the top in their feeds. Most people check their social media updates in the morning or in the evening after work or school. If your target audience is high school and college students, the best time to post your videos and photos would be during their lunch break.

Subscribe to auto like services

To be honest it’s not easy gaining a large number of followers and likes in a short period of time. It can be a time-consuming and tedious process that will require you to constantly post and comment on other people’s pages to get many likes and followers, which isn’t a guaranteed to work. Or you can use auto instagram likes to gain thousands of followers and likes with each photo and video and increase traffic on your account. This subscription comes with long term and short term auto like bots. While the short term bots are convenient for single posts that run for a short period of time, the long term auto likes will suit your account to increase your followers and likes with every post you send or don’t send.

Offer giveaways or discounts

Discounts and giveaways attract people to follow your account and tag their friends in an effort to win free products. They are cost-effective methods of promoting your products and increase your post engagement ratings with each tag bringing you a new audience and a potential follower. These freebies attract prospecting customers and encourage the purchase of your products or services. If they love what you’re offering they will promote your brand and you can, in turn, reward them with freebies.


Social media keeps on changing and so does Instagram. Even if you’re using Instagram to build your brand following, don’t forget that Instagram is a social network. At the end of the day being social and authentic is what will win you your followers and likes. Focus more on your engagement strategy to build a strong and profitable brand.

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