Credit cards signify financial freedom! Not only do they let you buy big-ticket items worry-free, but also offer you the advantage of cash withdrawal and loan to address financial emergencies. But there is a limit to the amount you can spend on your credit card. This limit is known as the credit card limit. This limit varies from one cardholder to another and is decided by the credit card issuer. Axis Bank too has a limit on the credit cards which it decides when you opt for Axis credit card apply. It is based on several eligibility factors, namely, your income or salary, your ongoing EMIs and loans, your credit score, the history of your relationship with the Bank, and your credit history. However, if you wish you had a higher Axis Bank credit card limit, you can avail the Axis credit card limit increase feature. Read on to know more about the concept.
Are you eligible for increasing the Axis Bank Credit Card Limit?
Before you deep dive into the how of it, it is important to understand that despite the Axis credit card limit increase feature being offered by the Bank, not everyone can avail it. Only if you are eligible for the same can you place a request. These include-
- You Axis Bank card should be more than three months old at the time of placing the request
- You Axis credit card should be active
- Your Axis Bank card history should not reflect card payment delays
- No instant loan should have been availed on your Axis credit card in the last six months
- No request for increasing the Axis Bank credit card limit should have been placed against your card in the last six months
The final approval, despite the eligibility factors, however, rests with Axis Bank based on its internal policies.
How to Increase the Axis Bank Credit Card Limit?
As Axis Bank card limit can be requested only if you are eligible for the same, you must check the same. If you are not eligible, you will be prompted the same and you will not be able to proceed with your request. Axis Bank credit card limit increase eligibility can be check and requested using any of the three methods mentioned below-
Axis Mobile App-
The easiest way to check and increase the Axis Bank credit card limit is by using the Axis Bank official mobile App. The steps for the same are as follows-
- Login to your Axis Mobile App using your credentials
- Go to Credit Card
- Choose the Axis credit card for which you wish to increase the credit limit Select Card
- Go to Total Controls
- Click on Check for Limit increase
Internet Banking-
Internet Banking is also a fast and efficient method of increasing credit card limit online. The steps for the same are as follows-
- Login to your Axis Mobile App using your credentials
- Go to Accounts
- Under My Credit Cards select your card
- Click Limit Enhancement
- Check for Limit increase
Calling Axis Bank Credit Card Customer Care Number-
To check your Axis credit card eligibility for limit enhancement, you can contact the helpline on the 1860-419-5555/ 1860-500-5555. The same Axis Bank credit card customer care number can be used to request for increasing the limit too.
Why should you opt for the Axis Bank Credit Card Limit Increase?
Increasing your Axis Bank credit card will improve your spending power at no additional charge and allow you to make larger purchases. As there is always the risk of overshooting your credit limit if you see yourself spending a lot from your Axis Bank credit card statement, this is a welcome advantage. Not only will it save you from having to pay an over limit fee, but will also prevent your purchases from adversely affecting your credit score.
The credit card limit you get with your card when you apply for a credit card is discerned by several factors which are likely to change over time. This might create a disconnect between the amount you have on your credit card and the amount you are likely to spend. To overcome this barrier, you can opt to increase your credit card limit and enjoy the advantages that come with excess funds and a better credit card score.