
How to Heal Yourself in Don’t Starve Together?

Posted on the 13 December 2022 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 13 December, 2022

How To Heal Yourself in Don’t Starve Together – Follow this guide with the best tips to heal yourself in Don’t Starve Together. Don’t miss any detail!

The majority of games nowadays place a strong emphasis on health, and Don’t Starve Together is no exception.

Temperature loss You’ll have a decline in health! Having no food and being ravenous? Yes, that’s right. Your health will once more be depleted. You must therefore maintain good health wherever you are if you want to survive in The Constant.

We’ll show you how to heal yourself in Don’t Starve Together in this article.

You must check unique factors like hunger, sanity, and temperature in DST if you want to heal yourself. In Don’t Starve Together, there are four different ways to heal yourself: eating healing food, utilizing healing goods, wearing a Life Giving Amulet, and sleeping.

Let’s look at what each category’s items are!

How to Heal Yourself in Don’t Starve Together

Consume healing foods

There are two basic categories of food in Don’t Starve Together: raw and cooked. Additionally, not all food can heal you; instead, if eaten improperly, it might harm your character.

For instance, whether cooked or not, monster meat will always cause harm to your character. The Koalefant Trunk, however, will always make you whole. Other foods, such as berries, can heal you when cooked but won’t do so when eaten raw.

Here is a list of foods from Don’t Starve Together that can heal you. Since there are numerous foods that can heal you, we only include the ones that deliver the best results while requiring the readily available materials.


Wobster Bisque 60 Yes

Butter 40 No

Beefy Greens 40 Yes

Dragonpie 40 Yes

Fishsticks 40 Yes

Flower Salad 40 Yes

Pierogi 40 Yes

Trail Mix 30 Yes

Prepared Dragon Fruit 20 No

Braised Eggplant 20 No

Jerky 20 No

Blue Cap 20 No

Bacon and Eggs 20 Yes

Honey Nuggets 20 Yes

Small Jerky 8 No

Butterfly Wings 8 No

You might discover that some healing food is simpler to obtain than others, depending on your chosen playing style. The easiest foods for healing include, however, pierogi, trail mix, jerky, and butterfly wings.

You cannot use the meal mentioned above to heal if you are playing Wormwood. To heal yourself instead, utilize manures or spend the night in a tent.

WX-78 may also swiftly restore 60 health points by using gear. But be careful, since in Don’t Starve Together, materials are expensive.

Use healing materials

If you consider healing food to be a luxury, Don’t Starve Together offers you some additional ways to heal yourself.

To heal 8 HP, use the Spider Gland or Mosquito Sack that spiders and mosquitoes both drop. Your main method of healing if you know how to farm spiders will be this!

Additionally, you can create a Healing Salve using the spider gland mentioned above together with 1 Rock and 2 Ashes. For a few more resources, this item will restore 20 HP.

Wear a charm

The only item in Don’t Starve Together that can heal your character is a Life Giving Amulet.

It will heal 5 HP every 30 seconds while attached to the amulet slot, albeit at the cost of 5 hunger points and 5% durability. A single amulet can restore up to 100 HP in total.

With a 3.07% chance, the amulet can be discovered by digging up graves. The Prestihatitator, together with 3 Gold Nuggets, 2 Nightmare Fuel, and 1 Red Gem, can also be used to make it.


Sleep is the final DST self-healing strategy. Up to 120 health points each minute, or 2 HP per second, can be restored by the tent and Siesta Lean-to.

If you still don’t have a foundation chosen, you can make a Fur Roll out of 1 Straw Roll and 2 Bunny Puffs. Comparatively speaking to the Tent and Siesta Lean-to, a Fur Roll has half the impact.

You need 6 Silk, 4 Twigs, and 3 Ropes to make a Tent. If you don’t have any silk, you can create a Siesta Lean-to with just two silk, three ropes, and four boards.

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