As more companies realize the importance of social responsibility and eco-friendly strategies, they're doing their part to lessen their carbon footprint. Creating a green office doesn't require a lot of work, it just requires some adjustments in the staff's habits. Once you've outlined a plan and put into action, you'll not only feel good that your business is doing its part to protect the earth, but your clients will take notice as well.
Here are some simple strategies you can start implementing right away.
1. Support Green Companies
Your office space utilizes a variety of supplies that may come from companies that pollute the atmosphere in the manufacturing of their products. From cleaning supplies to the pens on your desks, identify companies that can replace these items with sustainably manufactured products. Many paper companies use recycled or composted materials for notebooks and printer paper, and toilet paper can be purchased that's made from bamboo.
Try to avoid buying products that utilize plastic in their packaging and steer clear of any cleaners that contain harsh chemicals. Also, buy trash bags that are biodegradable. They look and feel like regular plastic, but they break down and don't harm the earth.
2. Stock the Break Room
Stock the break room, but not with plastic utensils and paper cups. Encourage your employees to bring their own reusable cups to drink from and put actual silverware in the break room or kitchen area so there is no waste. Also, include actual dishes, pots and pans, and supply sustainable dish soap and scrubbers for cleaning.
Just like toilet paper, you can find eco-friendly paper towels. As an added bonus, these practices not only cut back on the use of plastic, but they encourage your employees to eat better as well.
3. Use Less Paper
It may take some practice, but your office can make a habit of storing information in a digital space rather than in paper files. Set a realistic goal to go completely digital on all your file storage and document sharing. Share documents through cloud storage and share announcements through email rather than on bulletin boards.
During meetings, have the person keeping minutes use a laptop or tablet to take notes. Once everyone gets the hang of it they'll wonder why they ever messed with paper in the first place.
4. Power Down
All the computers and office equipment you use continue to use power when you're away from the office. Before your employees leave the office, have them shut down their computers. Also, power off all the printers. Install sensors on your light switches so when no one is in a room the light automatically turns off.
Install a smart thermostat so you can control the temperature when you're away, or set the thermostat on a timer. Not only will you cut down on energy waste, but you should see a difference in your utility bill.
5. Form a Green Team
Designate a team of employees to head up a green team. Give them time to meet regularly. Your green team should come up with new ideas your office can reduce waste and energy. They can also continue to research other like-minded companies with which to do business. The team should continue to introduce practices that are sustainable to the earth and keep the rest of the office appraised of their progress which they can share in a green newsletter, sent by email, of course.
Getting your green office off the ground can start happening today. When companies who care about the environment create business relationships they strengthen one another and influence other companies to come aboard as well.