
How To Get More Comments on Your Blog Post

Posted on the 01 June 2022 by Shamsudeen Adeshokan @cybernaira

How To Get More Comments on Your Blog PostHow To Get More Comments on Your Blog Post

Get yourself a chair, a jug full of water, or coffee - whichever is your favorite, because this might take a bit longer than usual. Today, I want to share my experience on how to get more comments on your blog post.

But first, read this...

In a recent development (2014), an authority blog just shot down the comment section of its blog and says, " No more comments " please. I don't have to spell it out here, but in case you've not heard of it...Copy Blogger did that.

Yes, Brian Clark and the Copy Blogger's team have closed down the reader's favorite section of that great blog.

Well, if that worries you for any reason, read all about it on the CopyBloger blog. In a real sense, I would not advise an average blogger to try this out on his blog. It is like shooting yourself in the foot while you're trying to walk.

But that's not the main reason for my write-up today.

The Irony...

I just keep wondering when many bloggers' dream is to have engaged loyal readers .

Many bloggers are relentlessly looking for ways or how to get more comments on their blog posts. But here we are, an authority blog is just doing the opposite.

Well, that's by the way...

If you're struggling to get more comments on your blog post. I mean just about no one is leaving comments on your "quality" content, then this post is for you.

Read it to the end...

Every piece of advice I give here is what I undertaken or put into practice when I was in your situation before moving up a bit to something like averaging 30 comments per post.

30 comments per post are not something really to be proud of, but at least, better than not having any comment.

And the good part of it is, when you start averaging 5 comments on each post, then getting 10 comments shouldn't be that difficult.

And moving up to 20, 30 40, 50, and even hundreds would become much easier because they would at one stage, leverage on the existing effective strategies.

But First, let's define what is blog commenting?

What is The Meaning of Blog Comment?

A blog comment is an interaction that happens between the author of a post, and the blog readers iaboutthe content of the page through a web or contact form.

It is the engagement or feedback given by the readers of a post to express their opinion on the message.

In some industry or blog topics, blog comment can be an indicator or measurement of how quality or poor impact of a post on the readers. This is because the more engagements that happen on a post, the more social shares and possibly, more conversion.

Why is Blog Commenting Still Important in Blogging?

Blog commenting is still very much important for many reasons.

If utilized well, it can bridge the gap between having a handful of audience and building a massive loyal community of blog readers. It is an effective marketing tool for making online friends, building business relationships, brand awareness, and increasing engagements.

It can also be used for SEO purposes if followed with a good SEO strategy. However, its impact as an SEO tactic has diminished over the years after the google algorithm updates. But still, it helps diversify your link-building process and make things look natural.

For most beginners online marketers, blog commenting is the easier way to start link building campaign.

9 Steps to Get More Comments on Your Blog post.

1. Provide Quality.

There is no shortcut to having readers leave good post comments on your articles if the post itself is not quality. Quality in this term is not just to any type of inforCertain types of content easily attractthat readers engaged with most on my blog.

There are certain types of content that easily attract comments.

First, I have seen that posts that address real-life activities, day-to-day issues, and what marketers are passing through in online marketing easily attract more comments than the rest.

Published quality post that talks about what other webmasters are passing through. Something they can resonate within their business activities, or real-life events.

The how-to articles too, are good content types that easily attract comments, especially if what you discuss in your how-to articles is what you've experienced, tested, and found to be working.

For example, how to get thousands of Facebook likes in less than 30 minutes. Or how you get AdSense approval without a single post on your blog. You know that in itself is a big issue among so many bloggers.

2. Your Headline.

The purpose of a clickable headline to a post can never be over-emphasized.

The below image shows an instance where an article headline has not only increased traffic rate but also compel the reader to leave comments on the post.

How To Get More Comments on Your Blog Post
How To Get More Comments on Your Blog Post

If the content headline does not trigger or arouse the curiosity in readers, there is no way the body of the post exists. And if the body does not exist, having comments becomes a delusion.

Make sure you do all you can to come up with a very attractive headline for your post. Therefore, you can as well increaaffic rate to your quality content.

And remember, only about 1 to 3 percent of those who actually read your post will likely post a comment. The rest 97 percent or so would just read and pass away without leaving a comment.

So, if only about 1 to 3 percent of those who actually read a post comment on it, then it is more than glaring why you'll need to increase...

3. Traffic Rate.

Yes, and that's just it!

Just as the quality and the traffic volume to your offer are proportional to your sales, so also it does to comments on your posts.

Do a little mathematics here, if 100 people actually read your post and you have 2 percen figure leaves comments on the post... that gives us just two comments.

But if 1000 people actually read the same post and 2 percent of them leave comments on it, then we will have 20 comments.

This is just one of the so many reasons why marketing is more essential to the overall success of your blog than creating the content itself. And the reason why so many people including me, believe in the 80/20 rule.

Promote your quality content, and promote it everywhere till there is no more marketing channel available to you within your reach.

4. Install The CommentLuv Plugin.

Note: This plugin has been upYou should testrs. It is advisable you test it on a staging site for any compatibility issues.

I know you'd been expecting to see this on my list?

Of course, you just can't go wrong doing this to increase comments on your blog. Many readers are tempted to leave comments on posts not because they wanted to, but because they want their latest post displayed alongside their comments.

So, take advantage of this and increase your chances of having comments on your post.

Though, doing this may bring in so many spam comments. But don't worry, it is good to start this way and it helps in increasing the traffic rate.

How To Get More Comments on Your Blog Post
How To Get More Comments on Your Blog Post

Later on, when you started seeing constructive and valindicatem readers like the one above from Enstine Muki.

And when traffic has increased give an indication that people like what you're doing. You can start filtering out those clever spammers with one-line comments "nice post", "well done", "good tips", etc.

5. Blog Syndication Feeds.

If there is only one tactic to increase the comments rate on your blog, it is blog communities.

You can have your post syndicated to their massive community of readers - in my opinion, others different views.

If you're sure of the quality of your content, then this strategy is definitely going to increase the engagements that happen on your blog.

My favorite syndication feed, for now, is kingged. These guys amaze me with their level of energy, commitment, and willingness to help other content marketers.

Join this community and others you find relevant to your content type. Install their bookmarklet tools and every post you published on your blog should be shared in these places.

But it doesn't end there, join the discussion and interact with other bloggers out there.

Create awareness in these places and make friends with other bloggers who will help share, vote, and leave a comment on your post.

6. Be A Good Commenter.

Blog commenting is an integral part of blog marketing. And when it comes to blog marketing, you get what you pay for.

The result of any marketing activities carried out by you is proportional to the time, energy, and resources you put into making it work.

So, if you want good quality constructive comments on your post, then go all out and leave such comments on other bloggers' posts too.

And if you can be better than Harleen of Aha-Now!

Now, my very good friend Efoghorjos Joseph, or my brother from another mother, Nosa Ero Nosa, and the good guy from kingged, Sunday... that's a massive plus for you.

These people mentioned above not only leave remarkable comments on a post they've read and understood the author's view, but also add more value, and teachings and take away to the original post itself.

7. Reply to Every comment.

Does this sound strange?

No, I don't think so.

Make it a habit to reply to every single comment left on your post. Most especially, those readers that have really proved they've read and understand your point or arguments.

By doing this, you're telling them you care about them and most importantly, you're building a sense of community around your blog.

Though, when things went up the roof, and comment becomes large in numbers, replying to every comment may become difficult or not necessary.

But if you're still struggling to have good engagement happen on your blog, try all you can to responYouromment left by readers of your blog.

This also helps to increase comment count.

It's obvious your reply to each comment adds up to the numbers, which help in showing first-time visitors that you care about your blog and its readers.

8. Make it Convenient to Leave Comments.

I don't understand why some blogs make it hard for readers to leave comments on their posts by putting all sorts of barriers in the way.

If you think the captcha isn't good or making it difficult for readers to see, then remove it.

I would advise you don't even put this thing in the way if what you want in your post is the reader's engagement.

Spammers these days are clever enough to get through with your captcha in place. What I would advise is that you don't automatically approve comments.

Have every comment held in the moderation queue, only approved comments get published.

Though I understand that this may take a bit of your time and since the time it takes is unproductive, we get tempted not to try to go through the rigorous task.

But better you go this way than to allow spammers to invade your blog, or make genuine commenters go through the huddle of leaving a comment on your post.

9. Comment Notification Reply.

This is one very powerful way to get the conversation going.

It helps a lot to bring other commenters on the same post together.

If you're on WordPress, install the comment notification plugin and give commenters the options to either choose to follow or reply to their own comment alone, or that of others on the same post.

FAQ About Blog Comment

  1. Should I Allow Comments on My Blog?

    Comments are nice and a good social proof.
    However, it is not a necessity for blog growth. If your blog comment section is affecting productivity, slowing down your ability to publish consistently, you may want to close it.
    Especially if readers are not finding value from it.

  2. Should I reply to comments on my Blog?

    Sure, you should always reply to genuine blog commenters to increase engagements and build relationships.

  3. What Are The Benefits of Blog Commenting?

    For one, it increases the engagements that happen on a blog and helps build brand awareness. Though most comments sections are no-follow, links in comments help stimulate link building process.
    Blog commenting also helps build your credibility as a voice in your industry, and it is a good tool for networking.

  4. Does Blog Comment Help for SEO?

    Yes, blog commenting does help with SEO but you have to be strategic about it. Your comment has to be insightful and add value to the post.
    If you have practical experience on the subject, consider sharing your experience in your comment. It will help you stand out and drive more attention to your comment.

Conclusion...Blog commenting

Blog commenting is an indispensable marketing tactic. Marketers have been using it to build brand awareness, SEO links, increase traffic, and network.

It is one of the oldest marketing tactics that still remain effective today irrespective of changes in digital marketing.

If you follow the blog comment techniques mentioned in this post, you will experience dramatic changes in your blog engagements.

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