
How To Get Fabric Softener Smell Out Of Clothes?

Posted on the 21 December 2023 by Betty T. Edwards Betty

To remove fabric softener smell from clothes, you can try soaking them in a mixture of vinegar and water. Place the clothes in the solution for at least 30 minutes before washing them again with detergent.

This will help eliminate the lingering scent and leave your clothes smelling fresh. Fabric softener can leave a pleasant scent on your freshly washed clothes, but sometimes it can become overpowering or undesirable. Whether you accidentally added too much fabric softener or simply don’t enjoy the scent, you might be wondering how to get rid of it.

Fortunately, there are effective methods to remove fabric softener smell from clothes without causing any damage. We will explore a simple yet efficient solution to neutralize the scent and restore your clothes to their natural freshness. By following these steps, you can ensure your garments are free from any unwanted lingering fabric softener odors.

The Fabric Softener Smell

Fabric softeners are a popular addition to laundry routines, helping to keep clothes soft, reduce static, and impart a fresh scent. However, sometimes that pleasant fabric softener smell can become overpowering and stick to your clothes even after washing. In this section, we will delve into the causes of fabric softener smell, why it lingers, and the impact it can have on your garments.

What Causes Fabric Softener Smell?

Fabric softeners contain fragrances that help to mask any lingering odors on clothes and provide a pleasant scent. These fragrances are carefully formulated to give a fresh and clean smell to your laundry. Additionally, fabric softeners can contain other ingredients like conditioning agents and antistatic agents, which contribute to their scent. However, over time, the accumulation of fabric softener residue on clothing can intensify the smell and cause it to linger even after multiple washes.

Why Does Fabric Softener Smell Linger?

The lingering fabric softener smell on clothes is often caused by two main factors:

  1. Residue buildup: The active ingredients in fabric softeners can leave residue on clothing fibers, especially when used in excess or when not properly diluted. This residue can trap the fragrance and make it harder for it to completely wash away during subsequent laundry cycles.
  2. Chemical interaction: Some fragrances in fabric softeners can chemically bond with the fibers of your clothes. This can create a more prolonged and potent scent that resists regular washing.

Understanding these factors can help you take appropriate steps to remove fabric softener smell from your clothes effectively.

The Impact Of Fabric Softener Smell On Clothes

While fabric softeners can enhance the texture and scent of your garments, an overwhelming fabric softener smell can have a few drawbacks:

  • Sensitivity issues: Some individuals may be sensitive or allergic to the fragrances or chemicals present in fabric softeners. The prolonged exposure to these scents on clothes can cause skin irritation or respiratory discomfort.
  • Masking other odors: The lingering fabric softener smell can mask other unwanted odors, making it difficult to identify if your clothes are truly clean or if there are other underlying issues.
  • Permanently infused scent: If fabric softener smell is not removed properly, it can become deeply embedded in the fabric fibers and persist despite multiple washes, potentially altering the natural scent of the fabric.

Now that we understand the causes and impact of fabric softener smell, let’s explore effective methods to get rid of this odor and restore the natural freshness to your clothes.

How To Get Fabric Softener Smell Out Of Clothes?


Natural Methods To Remove Fabric Softener Smell

Are you tired of that lingering fabric softener smell on your clothes? Sometimes, even after multiple washes, the scent can still remain. The good news is there are natural methods to remove fabric softener smell from your clothes. These methods not only eliminate the odor but also leave your garments fresh and clean. In this article, we will discuss three effective ways to get rid of fabric softener smell naturally: sun-drying clothes, using a baking soda and vinegar mix, and trying a steam treatment.

Sun-drying Clothes

One of the most straightforward and effective ways to remove fabric softener smell is by sun-drying your clothes. When exposed to direct sunlight, the UV rays act as a natural disinfectant and deodorizer, eliminating any lingering scent. Additionally, sun-drying helps to kill bacteria and freshen up your garments. Here’s how to do it:

  1. After washing your clothes, gently wring out the excess water.
  2. Hang them on a clothesline or place them on a drying rack in direct sunlight.
  3. Leave them outside for a few hours, allowing the sun’s rays to work their magic.
  4. Finally, bring your clothes back inside and enjoy the fresh, scent-free result.

Baking Soda And Vinegar Mix

Baking soda and vinegar are two powerful ingredients known for their natural deodorizing properties. When combined, they create a potent mixture that can effectively remove fabric softener smell from your clothes. Follow these steps:

  1. In a basin or sink, mix equal parts of baking soda and white vinegar.
  2. Submerge your clothes in the mixture and let them soak for about 30 minutes.
  3. After the soaking period, gently agitate the clothes to help loosen any residue.
  4. Rinse the garments thoroughly with water to remove the baking soda and vinegar solution.
  5. Finally, air dry or use a dryer to finish drying your clothes.

Steam Treatment

A steam treatment is another effective method to remove fabric softener smell from clothes. Steam penetrates deep into the fibers, helping to release any trapped odors. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Hang your clothes on a garment hanger or place them on a hanger rack.
  2. Using a handheld steamer or a steam iron, direct the steam onto the fabric.
  3. Move the steamer or iron back and forth, ensuring the entire garment is exposed to the steam.
  4. Pay extra attention to areas where the fabric softener smell is concentrated.
  5. Continue the steam treatment until the scent dissipates.
  6. Let your clothes air dry, or use a dryer if preferred.

By using these natural methods, you can easily remove fabric softener smell from your clothes and enjoy the freshness of clean garments. Whether you choose to sun-dry your clothes, use a baking soda and vinegar mix, or try a steam treatment, these techniques are effective in eliminating unwanted odors. Say goodbye to fabric softener smell and hello to fresh, scent-free clothes!

Using Laundry Products To Eliminate Fabric Softener Odor

Using Laundry Products to Eliminate Fabric Softener Odor

Do your clothes still smell like fabric softener even after washing them? This can be frustrating, especially when you prefer a neutral scent or have allergies. Luckily, there are laundry products specifically designed to tackle fabric softener odor. By incorporating these products into your washing routine, you can effectively eliminate that lingering fragrance. In this post, we will explore three effective methods for getting fabric softener smell out of clothes using laundry products: pre-soaking with enzyme-based products, utilizing odor-removing laundry additives, and choosing the right detergent.

Pre-soak With Enzyme-based Products

If you’re dealing with stubborn fabric softener smell, pre-soaking your clothes can make a significant difference. Enzyme-based products are particularly effective in breaking down and neutralizing odors. Here’s how to pre-soak your clothes:

  1. Fill a sink or basin with cold water.
  2. Add the recommended amount of enzyme-based pre-soak product, following the instructions on the packaging.
  3. Submerge the clothes in the water and allow them to soak for at least 30 minutes.
  4. After soaking, drain the water and rinse the clothes thoroughly with cold water.
  5. Proceed with washing the clothes as usual.

By pre-soaking your clothes with enzyme-based products, you can effectively eliminate fabric softener smell and ensure fresher, more neutral-smelling garments.

Odor-removing Laundry Additives

In addition to pre-soaking, using odor-removing laundry additives can help eliminate fabric softener odor. These additives are specially formulated to target and neutralize unpleasant smells in clothing. Incorporate them into your regular washing routine with the following steps:

  1. Load your clothes into the washing machine as you normally would.
  2. Add your regular laundry detergent to the detergent compartment.
  3. Measure out the recommended amount of odor-removing laundry additive, following the instructions on the packaging.
  4. Place the additive directly into the washing machine drum or dispenser.
  5. Start the wash cycle as usual, using the appropriate settings for your garments.

Using odor-removing laundry additives alongside your detergent can help eliminate fabric softener odor effectively, leaving your clothes smelling fresh and clean.

Choosing The Right Detergent

The detergent you use plays a vital role in determining the scent of your clothes. When trying to get rid of fabric softener smell, choosing the right detergent can make a significant difference. Follow these guidelines to ensure you select a detergent that effectively eliminates the odor:

  • Opt for unscented or fragrance-free detergents, as they are less likely to leave an overpowering scent on your clothes.
  • Check the label for detergents specifically designed to eliminate odors.
  • Consider using a detergent that contains enzymes, as these can help break down and remove the fabric softener scent.

By selecting the right detergent, you can actively combat fabric softener smell and achieve a more neutral fragrance in your clothes. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal results.

How To Get Fabric Softener Smell Out Of Clothes?


Tips For Preventing Fabric Softener Smell

While fabric softeners do a great job of making our clothes soft and reducing static, they can sometimes leave behind a strong, lingering smell. This can be unpleasant, especially for those with sensitive noses. Fortunately, there are a few simple tips you can follow to prevent fabric softener smell and keep your clothes smelling fresh and clean.

Reduce Fabric Softener Usage

If you find that your clothes have a strong fabric softener smell, it might be time to cut back on the amount you use. While it’s tempting to pour in a generous amount to ensure softness, using too much can lead to an overpowering scent that is difficult to eliminate. Instead, follow the instructions on the fabric softener bottle and use the recommended amount. For an even more subtle scent, consider using half the suggested amount.

Properly Wash And Dry Clothes

Another way to prevent fabric softener smell is to ensure that your clothes are properly washed and dried. When washing, make sure to use the appropriate amount of laundry detergent to effectively remove any residues, including fabric softener. Additionally, avoid overloading your washing machine as this can prevent clothes from getting a thorough clean.

When it comes to drying, opt for air drying whenever possible. Not only does this help to preserve the quality of your clothes, but it also allows any lingering fabric softener smell to naturally dissipate. If you choose to use a dryer, be sure to clean out the lint trap regularly as a buildup of lint can trap odors and contribute to the fabric softener smell.

Air Out The Laundry Area

In addition to reducing fabric softener usage and properly washing and drying clothes, it’s important to air out the laundry area to further prevent fabric softener smell. If your laundry room has proper ventilation, open windows or doors to allow fresh air in. Alternatively, you can use fans or air purifiers to circulate the air and remove any lingering odors. The goal is to create a well-ventilated space where the fabric softener smell can dissipate without being trapped.

By following these simple tips, you can rid your clothes of that overpowering fabric softener smell. Remember, little changes in your laundry routine can go a long way in preventing unwanted odors. So, adjust your fabric softener usage, wash and dry clothes properly, and create a well-ventilated laundry area to keep your clothes smelling fresh and clean every time.

Other Practical Solutions

Remove fabric softener smell from clothes with these other practical solutions. Follow simple steps to eliminate the odor and restore freshness to your garments.

Laundering With Lemon Juice

One effective solution for eliminating fabric softener smell from clothes is laundering with lemon juice. Lemon juice acts as a natural deodorizer and can effectively remove the lingering fragrance from your garments. To use this method, follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill a sink or basin with cold water.
  2. Squeeze the juice of two lemons into the water.
  3. Place the clothes in the lemon juice mixture and let them soak for about 30 minutes.
  4. After the soaking time, rinse the clothes thoroughly with cold water.
  5. Hang the clothes to dry in a well-ventilated area or use a clothes dryer, if appropriate for the fabric.

This method works well for most types of fabric, but it’s always a good idea to check the care label to ensure that lemon juice won’t cause any damage.

Spray With Vodka

Vodka is not only a popular party drink, but it can also be a powerful odor eliminator. Spraying your clothes with vodka can help remove the fabric softener smell effectively. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Pour vodka into a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the vodka directly onto the fabric softener-scented clothes.
  3. Make sure to cover the entire garment, focusing on areas where the scent is concentrated.
  4. Allow the vodka to air dry completely.
  5. If necessary, you can hang the clothes outside to air out and speed up the drying process.

It’s important to note that vodka may not be suitable for all fabrics, so it’s advisable to perform a spot test on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t cause any undesirable effects.

Professional Dry Cleaning

If all else fails or if you prefer to let the experts handle it, taking your clothes to a professional dry cleaner can be a reliable solution for getting rid of fabric softener smell. Dry cleaners have specialized cleaning agents and techniques that can effectively remove tough odors from clothes.

Make sure to communicate your concern about the fabric softener smell to the dry cleaner, so they can pay extra attention to your garments. Additionally, checking the dry cleaning instructions on the care label is essential to ensure that the fabric can be safely dry cleaned.

While professional dry cleaning may come at an additional cost, it can be an excellent option for delicate fabrics or for clothes that require special care.

How To Get Fabric Softener Smell Out Of Clothes?


Frequently Asked Questions On How To Get Fabric Softener Smell Out Of Clothes?

Can Fabric Softener Smell Be Removed From Clothes?

Yes, fabric softener smell can be removed from clothes by following simple steps and using natural remedies.

What Are The Causes Of Fabric Softener Smell On Clothes?

Fabric softener smell on clothes can be caused by using too much fabric softener, a build-up of residue, or using scented fabric softeners.

How Can I Remove Fabric Softener Smell Without Washing?

To remove fabric softener smell without washing, you can try vinegar, baking soda, or steam cleaning methods.

Is It Possible To Remove Fabric Softener Smell From Old Clothes?

Yes, it is possible to remove fabric softener smell from old clothes by using vinegar, lemon juice, or enzyme-based odor eliminators.

Can I Use Fragrance-free Fabric Softener To Prevent The Smell?

Yes, using fragrance-free fabric softener can help prevent the lingering smell while still providing the benefits of fabric softening.


Clothes smelling like fabric softener can be frustrating, but there are effective solutions to get rid of the scent. From using vinegar or baking soda during the wash to airing out clothes properly, these methods can help restore freshness to your garments.

Taking the right steps ensures that your clothes are free from unwanted fabric softener odor, leaving them smelling clean and revitalized. With these tips, you can confidently maintain a pleasant fragrance in your wardrobe without any hassle.

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