How to Get Arm Muscles - 2 Arm Exercises That'll Build Up Those "Guns"
If you're looking to learn how to get arm muscles, more specifically - how to add mass to your biceps and triceps, then you're in the right place. First off, I feel as though I should point out that bodybuilding isn't easy. It takes a lot of dedication, hard work and of course - a lot of time.
There's a lot of things you need to learn as well - a lot of "pieces to the puzzle" so to speak. You have to train correctly, eat correctly and even rest correctly. If one of these "puzzle pieces" is missing, you won't be successful - it's as simple as that!
In terms of how to increase the size of your arms, I'll profile a couple exercises that work well for both myself and my clients. But keep in mind that these exercises alone - without eating right, following a complete workout routine and resting appropriately - won't get you to where you want to be.
But of course, I won't leave you hanging. At the bottom of the article I'll point you in the direction of where you can find all the information you need - and for free of course. But in the meantime, I'll give you what I think you're looking for - a couple great arm exercises!
How To Get Arm Muscles
I'll start with the triceps - which consist of 3 muscles and are located at the back of the upper arm. If you want big arms - and I'm sure you do - you really need to incorporate some exercises for your triceps into your routine. Here's a good one to start with ..
Decline Triceps Extension: This has actually been shown to be the most effective triceps exercise that you can possibly perform. The flat version (performed on a flat bench) is effective but the decline version is even better. Give both methods a try and you can certainly feel the difference. Not a lot of people even know about this variation - which is why you don't see many people doing it.
And as for the biceps - which consist of 2 muscles and are located at the front of the upper arm - you can give this exercise a try..
Standing Dumbbell Curls: This is actually a pretty basic exercise and you'll see plenty of people in the gym performing it. As a matter of fact, it just may be one of the top 5 most popular exercises in general. But while a lot of people are performing the exercise - few people are actually performing it correctly.
As you flex your arms, you want to twist your palms upwards. By turning your palms, you'll get a better bicep contraction since the biceps actually play a role in the movement - which is called "supination".
There's also another little trick you can implement. What you want to do is perform the exercise with both arms simultaneously until you reach exhaustion. When you do, continue on with the exercise but switch to performing the movement with one arm at a time. This will allow you to rest a little longer between repetitions.
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