A superb mind-map from Learning Fundamentals in Australia about how to focus in the age of distraction…

With so much going on these days and the constant and growing need to feel and be connected, this is a great little pointer for how to better manage it all, and not get too consumed by it.
- How often do you check e-mails?
- Do you turn your phone off?
- Do you use to-do lists?
- Is there too much digital information?
- Do you get much exercise?
A great link there back to running. Running for me is a great distractor in itself – I’ve said before I don’t listen to music when I run and that helps me focus my mind on the running. The pure freedom of just getting out and running is unbeatable and with the ability to keep pushing and improving yourself.
It’s the British 10k in less than one month’s time. My training plan is going ok. 4 runs per week being done – pretty much, bar the week when my sister was over and a cold got the better of me. Aiming for low 40 something minutes which I know I can do – need to focus on more speed work over the next 4 weeks. Some great runs this week in the great British June weather – gales (which almost did knock me over), heavy rain (yes I got drenched) and sun!