
“How to Fly Us out of Romanian Evacuation?” Students Question the Government

Posted on the 04 March 2022 by Geetikamalik

New Delhi: People fly back from peaceful countries are not “evacuation”, containing buses that land in India from Ukraine today under government ganga surgery. Help is needed when they are in Ukraine, they told NDTV, telling conflicting suggestions about the channel of limiting the Indian Embassy, ​​long roads in cold in the middle of the battle, waiting for days on the border without food or water and battle to cross. “We don’t want free flights. We need help to reach the border and cross it,” is Refrain.

“Now we are here, are called evacuation,” said a student who had to return from Odessa, where the Ukrainian naval base was the first to be attacked by Russian forces.

“I don’t know if everyone will agree with me, but tell me one thing. We were taken back with flights from Romania, which is a safe country. So, how can you call this evacuation? You should give us security in Ukraine. We Being in a very dangerous city. Someone should be with us from the embassy to guide us. Nothing was done. Students are just told that you take the bus and leave, “he said.

Asked about the arranged Helllour, he said it only added confusion. “You ask everyone here. They pick up the phone and say 10 different things for 10 different people. In the end, if you ask too many questions, they will say ‘sorry sir, we don’t have more information about this’ , We don’t have more information about this’, we don’t have more information about this’, we don’t have more information about this’, “he said.

“We don’t want free flights,” he said, then turned to other students and asked, “Do you want free flights or help reach the border. ‘Reach the border’,” Chorused some students, which are part of a 200-strong batch brings back flight from Romania today.

A student said they had to walk to the border – 10 hours walking and waiting there for two days. There are hours at night. Throughout the day there was an explosion, he said.

“Come to the border and cross it is a real problem. Don’t fly us here on the plane,” approve other students. “(You) just give yourself publicity to bring us back to the plane … it’s not a great thing. The army should land cargo flights there (in Ukraine) and bring children,” he added, referring to four. Air Force operators who fly back around 800 students today.

The government adviser yesterday, asked them to leave Kharkiv immediately before the increase in Russian operations, had worsened the problem.

“Why at the last moment? When the situation became much worse? One of our colleagues has died and there are so many tensions … we asked the government again and again – we don’t want free flights. Help us reach. The border and cross it,” said That student.

The government said it would operate 19 today flights that would evacuate 3,726 people. Eight of these flights will take off from Romania’s Bucharest, two of Suceava, also in Romania, one from Kosice Slovakia, five from Budapest Hungary and three of Rzeszow Poland.

After sending four ministers to countries to coordinate evacuation efforts, the government has also organized a group of ministers to welcome students’ homes that don’t seem to love much.

Previously today, a student said the movement such as distributing flowers was of no use when time steps were not taken to save them from the conflict zone. Asked whether they received assistance from the Indian Embassy in Ukraine, he told NDTV, “We received help only after we passed the border to Hungary. There is no help before that. Whatever we do, we do it yourself, we do it, we do it yourself , We did myself, we did myself, our own “.

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