
How to Embed YouTube Videos on Twitter 2022? 3 Easy Methods

Posted on the 28 October 2022 by Finnichvessal

When a video is embedded, it appears on the page within the article with a link to its original source.

For example, an article about The Beatles might have a video of the band embedded in the article.

This is helpful to readers who want to learn more about something specific within an article, but do not have time to read through it all.

To embed a YouTube video on Twitter or other websites, you will need to copy the embed code from the YouTube video page.

Click on the Share button below a video on YouTube, as shown below.

To copy the embed code, first, left-click and highlight the "embed" link for a specific video as highlighted in red in the screenshot below.

Next, right-click and select Copy from the drop-down menu, as shown in the screenshot below.

Next, go to the website that you want your video to be embedded on and paste the embed link into a new post or update.

You can also just write text before or after the code if you do not have enough room for it next to the code.

After pasting this code, your website should look like the screenshot below.

Now you have successfully how to embed YouTube videos on Twitter and other websites! You can now share this with others and show them how to do it as well.

This is just one of the many ways to embed videos, but there are also other options such as uploading your own videos and Wikis.

How to Embed YouTube Videos on Twitter?

Sometimes while surfing through Twitter, you may come across a tweet containing a short video.

Twitter videos are not directly uploaded to the website; instead, these are embedded from other websites like YouTube or Vimeo.

This means that videos viewed on Twitter may be different for different people depending on their browsing history (if they had watched that particular video before).

Some of the videos on Twitter may be low quality or might take a long time to load.

How to Embed YouTube Videos on Twitter 2022? 3 Easy methods

This is because they have been loaded from YouTube, where the video quality is restricted depending on your internet connection.

In order to how to embed a YouTube Videos on Twitter, follow these steps:

1) Type down what you would like the tweet to say, and who you would like to tag. Next, copy and paste the URL of the video onto your clipboard.

2) Press 'Tweet' and click on "Add Media" at the bottom which is under your message box.

3) Paste the URL into that box that has appeared, then tick "Image", save changes, then tweet.

How to Download Videos from Twitter?

We know that nowadays we can see a lot of live videos on Twitter which let us get the feeling we're there and we're watching it just like in real life.

It is cool, but if you want to save such videos (for example for offline viewing or simply sharing with friends) how should you proceed?

Is it difficult to download a video from Twitter?

In fact, it is not difficult at all.

How to Embed YouTube Videos on Twitter 2022? 3 Easy methods

In this article, we're going to show you exactly how you can download a Twitter video easily.

After reading our post you will be able to do it in just a few minutes and without any difficulties!

Since Twitter has recently introduced the option to view tweet videos directly from Twitter itself, there are many users who do not know how to download Twitter videos.

Just in case you want to save the video for later viewing, we will provide 3 different methods for downloading tweet videos.

Method 1 - Save Twitter Videos on iOS Devices :

Step 1: Download and install an app called 'Clip Converter' from the App Store.

Step 2: Open the Clip Converter app and tap the 'Browse' button.

Step 3: Search for any video you want to download from Twitter, then tap it once.

Step 4: Tap the 'Convert' button in the top right corner of your screen. Select where you want to save your converted file on your device, then wait while Clip Converter does its thing.

Step 5: Just wait for a few seconds while Clip Converter works its magic and then your file will be ready on your device!

Method 2 - Save Twitter Videos from Chrome Browser :

Step 1: Download an extension called 'Cloud to Device' from the Chrome Web Store.

Step 2: Once it's installed, activate the Cloud To Device extension by clicking the 'ON' button.

Step 3: Navigate to and search for the tweeted video you want to save. Click on the 'cloud device' icon in your Chrome toolbar and click on the option that says 'Copy Link'.

Step 4: Open a new tab and go to . Paste the URL of your tweet video in the box under 'Paste your tweet link here' and click on the Convert button.

Save the file to your desired location, then open it from there and enjoy!

Method 3 - Save Twitter Videos from Safari Browser :

Step 1: Download an app for saving videos called 'Record Video' from the App Store.

Step 2: Open this app, set which type of video you want to download (either MP4 or MOV), then just tap on it.

Step 3: Tap 'Record', hold your finger on the screen until the video is done recording, then tap on 'Stop'.

Step 4: Next, find where you saved your file and open it. That's all.

What are Twitter's Video Upload Requirements?

Twitter allows a maximum length of 30 seconds for videos uploaded onto its social media platform.

Twitter also requires that any videos uploaded be in an MP4 or MOV format, as well as having a 16:9 aspect ratio.

Videos must also be recorded at a minimum resolution of 640 x 480 pixels.

Twitter does not currently support vertical videos of any formats but has begun to test 16:9 support for them in some cases.

Videos may be up to 30 seconds long and must be at least 80% larger than the file size which they are replacing (if there is one) or if there is no existing video, the file size must be at least 80% larger than the minimum allowed.

Videos uploaded to Twitter must also contain closed captioning information so that voice-overs or background music can be muted or adjusted as desired by viewers.

1. Twitter does not allow videos to start automatically, but they may include pre-roll ads that are required to be muted.

2. Videos uploaded to Twitter may contain copyrighted material, but the uploading user must have received permission from the copyright holder first.

3. Twitter's terms of service agreement states that users who upload content must own all rights or have express permission for every part of their video including the audio and footage.

More about Embedding Videos :

Embedding Videos on Your Web Site is easy.

However, all of the video links I used to find were for embedding directly onto blogs or forums; which doesn't really help me much.

I am not a professional Tech Guru (I am an IT Student). So sue me if this article lacks some of the more complex information about embedding videos.

I'm writing this for guys like me, who want to share videos on forums and our websites but don't know-how.

This article will not only show you how to embed YouTube Videos (and other popular video hosting sites) onto your blog or forum, it will also show you a few tricks that can save time & energy.

The first thing you'll need to do is find the direct video link for the video you want to embed.

One of the best sites I have found for this is TubeNinja.

How to Embed YouTube Videos on Twitter 2022? 3 Easy methods

These guys have a simple URL-based system that allows you to enter any YouTube or other site Video Link and it will spit back a direct live link which you can then copy and paste into your post.

Next, if the video is on YouTube, download & install this plugin.

This will allow you to see how large any YouTube Video currently is (usually measured in Megabytes).

Sometimes it helps to know this before you try to embed the video on your site. It's always better to pick a smaller video than a bigger one.

Lastly, if you don't want it covering the whole top of your website or forum post, you can put this code snippet in any HTML box to set an upper height limit for the video.

If you're wondering why I didn't include the ability to set a width for this, it's because the code snippet is supposed to be used with HTML boxes on your site.

If you're still having difficulty, here are some more detailed instructions for setting up YouTube Videos.

Once you've got all the video settings down, it's time to embed!

To do this simply copy and paste the direct link of any YouTube or other site video, into any HTML box.

Add the width & height settings you want; check the "Show Border" option (this will surround your video in a light gray band) and click OK.

Congratulations, you have now embedded your very own YouTube Video!

If you would like to include some other neat features with your video; read on.

Step 1) Get the Link to your YouTube video from its URL.

Step 2) Paste that link in between < and > characters after pasting HTTPS before the link. Now you'll have this: VIDEO_ID_HERE

Step 3) Add &rel=0 at the end of the URL and then hit enter. Your link should now look like this: VIDEO_ID_HERE &rel=0)

Conclusion: How to Embed YouTube Videos on Twitter

Twitter is the most popular micro-blogging social network that allows you to post, share and retweet updates.

Quick Links :

In 2012, over 200 Million people used Twitter and overtook Google Plus as the king of social networks.

So, you want to share a YouTube video on Twitter? No problem!

You can embed any YouTube video on your tweet by adding its URL and then some special characters that we'll get into later in this article.

Just like Instagram and Facebook, there's another way to share YouTube videos on Twitter and that's using a third-party app such as the well-known TweetDeck.

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