Most of the time, after brewing in the cup, the used tea bags end up in the trash. And that’s a shame. You can’t imagine how they can serve you in various ways at home. If you’re into recycling, it’s time to get into the habit of removing the bag from your glass of tea and keeping it in the fridge. By discovering its multiple uses, which you would probably never have suspected, you will think twice before throwing it away.
The properties of the tea bag
Whether herbal or fruit-based, tea is highly valued for its unique taste: it refreshes us in summer and warms us in winter. Regardless of the season, we drink it regularly to reap all of its health benefits. Did you know that thanks to its amino acid “L-theanine”, it stimulates the hormone of happiness (dopamine), helps us to reduce stress and have a better mood. But today, we will mainly focus on the virtues of tea bags. Few people know this, but they are excellent at absorbing humidity and unpleasant odors. They also have anti-inflammatory benefits: they are therefore very judicious to reduce skin swelling or to relieve a possible insect bite. One thing is for sure, you will be amazed at all its properties outside of your cup and you won’t get rid of it so easily.
His versatility is remarkable. We are going to present you a very interesting use at home. Do you often complain about unpleasant odors in your fridge? Well, we have the perfect solution to banish this problem. We explain to you.
Once your tea is well infused, take the bag and let it dry for a while on the radiator (it will perfume the house). Then put it in a small plate and put it in the middle of the fridge. Naturally, if the scents inside the device are very strong, nothing prevents you from putting several sachets in the dish. In a few hours, you will be very surprised to find that they have perfectly absorbed all the bad smells. Now your fridge is filled with the delicate scent of herbal tea.
NB : if you have no more tea bags in the kitchen, be aware that the coffee grounds will have the same effect in your fridge. Just sprinkle it on a small plate and put it straight in the fridge. The grounds purify the air inside and leave a very pleasant coffee aroma.
Other uses of the tea bag
- Hand deodorant : The same foods that give off strong odors in the refrigerator can also stick to your hands and not let go despite careful washing with soap. We are talking here about onion, garlic, celery, fish or even cheese. The solution ? You can get rid of it very easily with the help of a simple tea bag that you rub on your fingers for a few seconds. The aroma of the tea will naturally and quickly neutralize this lingering smell.
- Anti-puffiness of the eyes : Cooled tea bags can also be used for cosmetic purposes. When you wake up with puffy eyes or have had a short night, two cold tea bags can work wonders on tired eyes. The trick is very easy: just apply the sachets to the eyes and stay like this for 20 minutes, for the effect to be even more effective. Due to its content of tannins and polyphenols, tea has a very positive effect on this skin area. The swelling will disappear as if by magic and you will immediately look better!
NB : ideally, bet on green tea bags that you will first cool in the freezer before applying them to your eyes. To give more tone to your skin and reduce puffiness, do not hesitate to repeat this operation once or twice a week.
- Plant hydration : finally, used tea bags are also very useful to preserve the health of your indoor potted plants. They contain certain beneficial substances to keep them hydrated and stimulate their growth. Black tea, in particular, will act as a very advantageous natural fertilizer. After brewing your cup, allow the sachet to dry, then tear it open and scatter the dried pieces into the potting soil. Thus, all the nutrients in the tea (potash, nitrogen, manganese and phosphoric acid) will act as a quality fertilizer. By watering the plant, these substances will be all the more effective for its growth.
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