How to drive a manual car step by step guide for beginners. Nowadays vehicles are very much needed in our daily life. As we here and there the whole day with car. Cars are one of the most needed vehicles today for both comfort and for travelling. The thing is that maximum of us car owner get fed up taking drivers and paying them because of not knowing how to drive a car manually.
Even me when I first bought my car was very much fed up hiring driver. The most hard work is to get a good driver. If you don't have a good driver then I am sure your car will be having big scratches someday.
How to Drive a Manual Car Safely

So, According to me it is better for every car owners to learn driving of your own. If you drive your car of your own you will also take care of your car. The thing is that how to learn to ride a car. For a newbie, learning a car must be really difficult. If you know how to ride a motorbike then you will obviously have some idea of driving a manual car.
Here I have planned to share some of the basic steps that you must follow, If you are to drive your car for first time. I am very much sure after reading all this steps, you will be able to drive your car in an open space without problems.
I hope this will solve your problems of hiring drivers from here and there and also for paying them. The most important thing is that if you follow the below given steps strictly then you will also be able to drive your car on the road. Yes, first time you will need a live guide. Before going to live training you shall look at this theory.
Here in this content I am going to include all about basic rule of driving a manual car. How to control vehicle, how to shift gears from step to step, how to park the vehicle safely even in busy parking zone and many more.
You may say that it is better to take a live training other than getting theory knowledge of the car. But I must say if you don't know even a little about car I am sure you are going to fail in the live training. Because you will not know what type is your car gear or you're steering as there are many types of steering and gears.

This all you need to know at least before you take any physical training. I don't think you will need any physical training after reading this article. So here some basic rules that bring you to learn how to drive car for new learners.
How to Drive a Manual Car (Basic Rules):
Some basic rules in driving car for learners and beginners.
- To be familiar with your car.
- How to check and correct your seating position while you are there in the driver's seat behind the wheel.
- Keep away yourself from distractions.
- How to control the steering wheel perfectly.
- How to use the indicator of your car
- Control your speed and using over horn
- Keeping distance from other vehicles.
The first thing is that you have to understand all the mechanical functions of your car. If you don't know about all the mechanical function of your car then I don't think you will be able to drive your car. Even if you try for more then hundred times. The mechanical work are like, you have to understand what clutch do. Recognize the gears schedule and learn how gears work during driving to shifting. You must know about the car function serial schedule like ABC ( Accelerators, Brake and Clutch).

When it comes to driving comfortably then it always depends upon how you seat in the driver's seat. If you're sitting style is not good, I am sure you will feel difficult in driving your car. You must seat in such a way that you see road clearly even though you have huge bonnet in front, and your sitting position is to be of 900. Sitting in 900 will help you to comfortably pedal your accelerator and clutch of your car and also see the road clearly.
This day car is very much equipped with all the techy stuff like a big screen in front of driver and many other control functions. So you may get distracted because as you are a newbie driver. I must suggest you to focus on the road other than playing with the LCD screen in front of you. If needed keep someone with you, So that they control all the techy stuff inside the car. Once you are used to with all this techy stuff you will not need anyone else.

Most people do get confused when they are driving car for the first time on the road. They are saying that how to remain in the road. So the important thing is controlling your steering wheel of your car. Many newbie driver will get confuse reading all the technical way of controlling the steering wheel. According to me you must look on the road and turn your steering wheel slowly depending upon the road. It is just so simple but many people take this in a very complicated way, So I would like to suggest you on keeping calm while driving your car.

Turn signal are really important and it is mostly used while changing lanes or turning your car (left or right). This is important because it will save you from many accidents. It is not that tough using turn signal while driving because the turn lever is just mounted back of the steering wheel.
- You must on the turn signal whenever you are braking the car for slowing or changing lanes.
- To turn on signal, keep your left hand on the steering wheel for flicking the signal lever down by your right hand.
- Turn signal lever will be mounted near the steering wheel bottom as long lever like gray or black color.
- Don't worry the Turn signal generally does not make a sound, it is just a flicking light to indicate the other drivers on the road.

Driving a manual car in a high speed is very much risky for both experienced driver and a newbie driver. So according to me you should not cross the speed limit of the road. If you want to speed up more than you must follow the car tachometer which will give you correct indicator to speed up slowly. If your car isn't having any tachometer then here it is.
Horn is also very much important in any car, Because it notify the other driver of your presence in the road. Over horn is not accepted by any people because it is very irritating.
If you are driving a car on the road then it is obvious that you will be there in a jam. So, The most important thing you must know is up to how much closer should you go in front of your vehicle. So that you can easily accelerate when the jam is over.

Every expert says that stopping your car an inch before the vehicle. It is the best way to stop at the back of any vehicle. On doing this you will get enough space to stop. It will accelerate your car after the jam is over. But for this you have to know your bonnet length which will come only after some days experience.
These are all some of the tips to how to drive a manual car that you must know before you drive your car physically. As I have promised you in the above paragraph that after reading this whole article, You will be half known about how to drive a car for the first time. I hope you will not have any problem now. If you have then feel free to consult with us in the comment section below. Thanks for reading and giving some of your precious time in learning driving a car. 🙂