Books Magazine

How To Design And Landscape Great Backyards

By Mattnem05 @mattnem05

How To Design And Landscape Great Backyards - Great Backyards can solve the problems of everyday life by creating privacy where there is none, cooling overheated areas, and improved the garden areas that are unattractive. First steps to design and landscape Great Backyards, Draw a map of the design great backyards based on paper. Show existing features, such as trees, gardens and shrubs on the map; measuring trees and other features, and show scale.

How To Design And Landscape Great Backyards

Conduct a site analysis, taking note of everything that affects the use of great backyards and affect the location of play areas, garden and pool. Mark the areas with problems in the plane of the base. Take note of the views, assets and access to the landscape. Make several sketches using the base map as a guide, testing a variety of ideas for using the yard before making a commitment about where things should go. Rearrange desired design elements to evaluate the different schemes. Analyze the sketches and pick a favorite. Use your favorite to make a more detailed explore and refine the basic ideas drawing. Take notes on the features to be included in each area of ​​the yard.

Use the detailed master plan to draw the sketch of great backyards, charting the landscape elements of the master plan to another piece of paper. This will be the design plan. Anything other than the ground or planting is considered part of the hard surface, which includes items such as fence, deck and patio. Include measures to scale. Show the changes necessary to shape the land and to accommodate new design features a map of the topography, indicating the slope. This will allow the planning of drainage and leveling elements. Use the master plan to design a planting plan. Draw lines to show the separation bed between lawns and planting. Decide where trees should go and how to fill areas with planting shrubs, ground cover and color season. Select specific plants by name and make a shopping list. Prepare the site, removing unwanted elements, and install unwanted elements gardening.

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