
How to Deal with BLM Threat? 5 Options for Gov. to Choose Immediately

Posted on the 29 October 2020 by Aamritri

How to Deal with BLM Threat? 5 Options for Gov. to Choose Immediately

Read about the BLM threat, and what are options for the Trump administration to deal with it because they are sometimes out of control?

What is BLM?

The Protest started after killing a black man, which was an illegal act by the police. Thousand of people, black and white, protest all over America against Brutal killing. But it's not the first time, and thousands of people already protest against police killing many times in the past. Black Life Matter Movement become very popular after the killing of every black man.

But it's essential to understand that BLM is an organization that spread hate among people in the name of Balck Life Matters. Trump and all other presidents accept people's rights to protest anywhere in America peacefully. But BLM followers are different from peaceful Protest. They want to destroy ordinary people's property, injured them, and divided the nation.

Why Is It Becoming Biggest Threat to America?

here are some reasons which everyone must understand why BLM becomes a threat to the whole of America?

  1. Every time police kill someone, BLM will start violent protests all over America in the Black Life Matter Movement's name. It's like a permanent problem for the country to face millions of dollars in losses every few months. BLM dont believes in peaceful Protest, and they always want to hurt people involved in looting and other activities.
  2. They spread hate and divide people in the name of racism. It's effortless for them to join any peaceful protest and make it violent. In upcoming years other people will also join them and start violent demonstrations.
  3. Now BLM followers can hurt police anytime, and every police action is considered a brutal act against ordinary people. Police cant stops black criminals or take any action against them because they become a hero in the name of racism. That's a dangerous red signal for America when police cant does their jobs properly.
Choices for Gov to Deal with it

1- Use of Force

Everyone started to criticize Trump when he wanted to use force against these criminals burning down everything. It's the best choice for police to use the power & take strict action against anyone involving in looting. Gov, news channels, and everyone must support a law to take action against everyone trying to hurt others or damage property in the name of Protest.

Use brutal police force against everyone looting or hurting people in the name of Protest. Arrest them and send them to jail for a very long time.

2- Allow them to Continue Protest

Its Biden plan to avoid taking any action against BLM violent protest. This choice is not acceptable for most people in America. Some people think that taking action against these Protests can provide BLM a chance to get more attention. But those who lose their property or get hurt because of these Protest will never accept it.

Dont take any serious action against those involved in looting or hurting people. Police can only use their force to scare them and stop the violent Protest.

3- Fight Fire with Fire

There are a lot of people who hate BLM because of their violent behavior. Most black people also dont accept it and believe in peaceful Protest. It's the best choice for Gov to gather these people and provide them with all facilities to protest in front of BLM. While America can look at both sides of the Protest, peaceful without any violence and BLM spreading hate through violence.

Gather everyone who hates BLM and provide them with all facilities to protest in front of BLM gathering. Media can cover both protests, and it will stop BLM from involving in any violent activity. Looking for Athletic Clothing in Los Angeles? Here Are the Top Stores You Should Know About Click on Below Image for Offers and Cheap Rates
How to Deal with BLM Threat? 5 Options for Gov. to Choose Immediately
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4- Use Media and Other Resources

Social Media and other mainstream media must stop providing BLM coverage on any level. America is a free country and believes in freedom of speech. But BLM is very dangerous for the American people, and it's not a good idea to allow them to spread hate. Can you imagine most people in America still consider BLM as a fantastic organization representing the anti-racism movement?

Spread words on all social media and use new channels to show BLM's real face to everyone. Restrict coverage for BLM on any platform because they are a criminals organization on the name of Black Life Matters.

5- Create a new Version of BLM

People in American now understand about Violence by BLM. They are doing all their activities in the name of anti-racism and police brutal action against black people. Why can't we gather black people and others who hate BLM and provide them with all changes to represent protest against the police? It's like a friendly version of current BLM, which can quickly become popular and less problem for Gov.

Recognize peaceful Protest against police all over America because of its right of people to protest. Take serious action against BLM and replace them with peaceful version who believe in peace, not violence.

Why it's essential to deal with BLM on the urgent level?

With every new death of a black man, more followers are joining BLM. It's better to deal with BLM now before they can gather thousands of permanent followers and start killing police officers. They are already protesting, looting, and doing whatever they want in the name of Protest anywhere possible. Trump already wants about it to people, and Biden plans to give BLM free choice to spread or become stronger.

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