Fashion Magazine

How to Cure Monday

By Lovelybylucy @lovelybylucy


I don’t know what it is. Some Mondays I feel all energetic and ready for a new start of a new and fresh week. And some Mondays it takes me 2 hours to drag myself out of bed and I just am not ready for a new week and don’t feel fresh at all. Today, it isn’t helping that I’m having signs of getting the flu. However, there’s some things to do when you’re having a case of the Mondays. Here’s what I do:

  • Make a happy playlist to get you started on Monday. Put it on as soon as you wake up. Instant happy feelings.
  • Dress to impress. Even if you’re not even going out of the house. Dressing like you’re going to make your ex-boyfriend jealous will make you feel better about yourself and give you more confidence.
  • Take the time to wake up. Make a cup of good coffee, watch the morning news or start with reading your favorite blog. A good morning routine will make you feel better throughout the day.
  • Make a goal for the day. Just one. Something you need to do to give you a little purpose. It doesn’t even need to be a certain thing to do, it can also be a feeling, like ‘today I want to feel productive’.
  • Accept your responsibilities, don’t run away from them but face them. You’ll feel better after.
  • Don’t take Mondays too serious. It’s just another day. You don’t have to get your life together on Mondays, you can work towards that every day.
  • Do something that makes you happy. Even if it’s just the smallest thing. Pick up that book or make that yummy dessert.
  • Don’t take social media too seriously. Some people may seem like they’re having the time of their lives on Monday, but social media only shows the good side. Everyone struggles now and then.
  • Seek intimacy. A good cuddling session can easily fix Monday blues.

    I’m wearing an Adidas sweatshirt, Topshop culottes and Adidas Stan Smith trainers.

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