Self Expression Magazine

How to Create an Appealing Facebook Live Video Today

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Facebook Live Video - You Can Create One

A few months ago I recall Lisa saying how she felt she knew me better through my live videos.
Makes sense, right?

How to Create an Appealing Facebook Live Video Today

Even if someone digs your writing style you still may appear to be words on a screen to many of your readers.

If you want to develop a deeper bond with your audience, broadcasting live videos on Facebook is a simple way to connect with your readers by humanizing your blog and brand.

There is no better way to prove that you are human than by broadcasting live videos persistently. Even if you intellectually that bloggers are people you often need a clear, powerful reminder that strikes an emotional chord with your readers.

Enter Facebook live video.

We human beings do things based on our emotions, or, our feelings. When you see a blogger live, in the cyber flesh, explaining how to do something, engaging you and other Facebook friends, you feel the love, the genuine nature and the overall positive energy of this human being.

Bloggers may see me as some mindless, cyborg-like blogging machine but after a live video they tend to say to themselves: "Hey! This guy is human, just like me." In this instant, everything clicks, because a stronger emotional bond forms between two human beings.

As you may reckon, bloggers who bond with their readers get plenty of traffic, social shares, comments, sales and all that good stuff.

Let's dive into how to create an appealing Facebook live video.

1: Have Fun with Facebook Live Because Everything with Videos Is Energy

Even though you may feel nervous or outright terrified to broadcast live on Facebook for the first time, set a general intent of: "No matter what happens, I will have fun with this."

The energy behind your video means everything. Even if you come up a bit short on the content, if you are authentic, genuine and just plain enjoy the process, Facebook buddies will feel your energy and get notified every time you go live.

When you are having fun doing live broadcasts you will naturally be engaging, charismatic and most of all, you will think on your feet. Tension and anxiety dissolves. You will just be chatting with old - and new - friends.

Really, the 2 most critical tips are this one and tip #5. Have fun. Practice. Tips 2-4 work out just fine when you enjoy the process and broadcast live videos persistently.

The energy behind your video means everything. - Ryan Biddulph Click To Tweet

2: Tackle Pressing Issues in Your Niche

Tackle common problems in your blogging niche.

My most watched videos tend to address pressing blogging problems, like how to drive blog traffic or how to increase blogging profits.

Share 1-3 practical tips. If you need notes simply jot a few lines in a Word document on your laptop and glance toward the notes, assuming you do live videos on your phone.

If Facebook users know what to expect as far as your video subject matter they are more likely to get notified whenever you go live.

3: Short and Sweet? Or Long and Meaty?

I've had steady video views with both approaches.

My 20 minute videos do tend to get more views but I am feeling the guest posting bit these days, and cannot write 5 posts daily while doing 30 minute videos.

For starters, aim for 5-10 minute videos as a Facebook live broadcasting Young Turk. Creating short videos inspires you to get clear mentally so you can find that video sweet spot of being relaxed and engaging while still getting to the main point of the video.

4: Link to Beef Up Your Facebook Live Video

Recently I've been adding links to videos to beef up my offering.

Whether I link to an eBook, course or blog post, adding a link gives my Facebook friends a resource for further study. Linking out also boosts my blogging profits if I direct readers to one of my premium resources.

5: Practice Practice Practice Practice

Practice doing Facebook live videos.

No; not once a week.

If you want to get comfortable in front of the camera I suggest broadcasting live at least 4-5 times weekly.

Broadcasting live is unlike recording videos because the comes out; this is not about rehearsing, or trying to get things perfect.

The fear of being live, on video, engaging with other human beings, quickly dissolves through habitual practice.

The only way to practice live video is to broadcast live videos. Get in front of the camera. Stop trusting your excuses. Practice. Have fun. Reap the sweet benefits of broadcasting live on Facebook.

If you want to get comfortable in front of the camera I suggest broadcasting live at least 4-5 times weekly. Click To Tweet

Your Turn on Facebook Live Video

Are you using Facebook Live videos?

I'd love to know more in the comments below.

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