Wedding albums and guest books are great ways to revisit your special day, but it’s difficult to display those so that everyone can enjoy them. The same goes with your wedding video. A wedding memory shadowbox is a fantastic way to display your memories in an area where you can see them all the time. Here’s how to create one:

What You’ll Need
A shadowbox in any size you want – you can pick these up from your local craft store.
Hot glue gun.
Wedding invitation.
A small wedding photo.
A small wooden letter representing your last name.
Elmer’s Glue
How to Create It:
First, you’ll want to plan out where the items will go in the shadowbox. Arrange them in a way so that everything fits and looks great. Next, you’ll coat the wooden letter in the Elmer’s glue and then sprinkle glitter all over it so that it’s completely covered. Allow that to dry for a few hours at least.
The next thing you will do is hot glue the items in the area where you have decided they’ll go. Make sure to get all the edges of the picture and invitation so they won’t curl up after you’ve gotten the shadowbox together.

Put the shadowbox together as the instructions tell you to, and then hang the shadowbox wherever you’d like. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate your big day, and these are great for gifts as well, so you can make this for the happy couple you know!