Sounds simple, but cooking the perfect soft boiled egg takes some skill, technique and strategy. My plan for luscious soft boiled eggs works!
Cooking the Perfect Soft Boiled Egg
Alright before we learn how to cook the perfect soft boiled egg, it's important to know that there are variables that can make a difference in outcome.
Some of these things are:
- Temperature of the egg when put into the boiling water.
- Number of eggs you're cooking at one time.
- Type of yolk you prefer, from runny to slightly firm.
- Amount of time cooked.
- Stopping the cooking process.
- Elevation at which the eggs are cooked.
- Size of the egg.
- And, more.
The Perfect Soft Boiled Egg Time
My strategy and techniques are based upon a soft boiled egg where the yolk is somewhat firm but still you get the real creamy softness of the yolk.
If you prefer the yolk more runny, then reducing the cooking time by 30 to 45 seconds can help accomplish a less firm and cooked yolk.
For me, the main thing is to have the white of the egg nice and basically cooked.
Foolproof Soft Boiled Eggs
Sometimes perfecting a simple cooking technique like cooking soft boiled eggs takes practice.
Don't be disappointed if you don't get the precise result you want the first, second or even the third time.
I learned to cook boiled eggs from who of all, but my husband Ben! I mean I can cook just about anything, but the soft boiled egg, well, it just eluded me from perfection.
However, after finally listening to him (yeah, I know, we all sometimes tune out our spouses!), and watching repeatedly, I sucked up my pride and began using his strategy.
Perfect Soft Boiled Egg
Another thing about learning to master this soft boiled egg? Well, I got tired of asking Ben to make me soft boiled eggs!
Yes, it's like the proverb, 'teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime'! You give that persona fish, and, guess what, he/she eats that one fish!
Soft Boiled Egg Timing
Timing is everything. My technique is seven minutes, but if you want to reduce that time by 30 seconds, maybe err on the side of caution, then do so.
Set the timer. It's a MUST. Once you put those eggs in the boiling water and you cover the pot, set that timer!
And, don't think that your soft boiled eggs are just good for breakfast! On the contrary. That's why I typically do four to six eggs at a time. I want to have them for serving with other things like this Soto Ayam (chicken soup!) and Vietnamese Bokchoy Shrimp Soup! Or how about salmon and eggs for lunch!
How Long to Cook a Soft Boiled Egg
If you ask, how long to cook the egg? Well, it depends on what you want the outcome to be. We have variables that count.
I know I know, it sounds like we're doing a major science experiment, and, in some ways we are. You want to factor in everything that can impact this egg's outcome. And, speaking of the outcome, well, I love serving these eggs in noodle bowls like this Udon Noodle Breakfast Bowl.
However, I guarantee you that you will become the master of your boiled egg universe with some practice.