Hello again!
A few notes before I start - this post is not teaching how to knit at all and neiter will I provide a complete pattern.
Instead in this post I will explain the logic behing triangular shawls - where to yarn over/make 1 and on which side to start.
So this is more a post for a knitter who already understands a bit of what he/she's doing.
Triangular Shawls are more or less easy to knit. More easy. It only get's more comlicated if you choose to include a lace pattern or such in the rows. And that's also the fun part: You can make nearly every pattern!
So, if you're a beginner, maybe just knit a garter stich shawl? I've knit this one before, and the stitches included are K1, P1, YO, K2TOG - if you know how to do these stitches, than you can definitely knit this triangular shawl!
You can see my project here on ravlery!
To construct a triangular shawl, just the way you like to have it, is easy:
- Start with three stitches (co 3)
- Make four increases every other row
How you make the increases is totally left to you! If you make YOs, like I did in the one above, you'll get little holes - or not, if you knit them through the back! You can also knit one stitch through front and back or use m1r and m1l or whatever else you know!
If you make 4 increases every other row you'll end up with a geometric triangular shawl. But you can of course also make more or less increases. If you do less (like, every fourth row or so), your shawl will be more shallow. And if you make more (like six increases every other row), your shawl will be more pointed at all three edges...
* If you make six increases every fourth row you'll end up with a semi-circular shawl (you kind of make the middle part of a triangular shawl twice here, see below!)
One last thing: Where to make the increases?
The easiest thing is to make one increase at each edge and then two in the middle. So, for the first rows a really simple shawl this would mean:
K1 YO K1 YO K1
K5Click the images above or links below to check 'em out.
K1 YO K1 YO K1 YO K1 YO K1
K1 YO K3 YO K1 YO K3 YO K1
K1 YO K5 YO K1 YO K5 YO K1......
And so on.
In my shawl I ended up doing three stitches at each edge, then making the YOs, instead of just K1.
And now you can of course exchange all the K-stitches for anything else you'd like to have in your pattern! You can purl, make YO K2TOG or whatever you have in mind :) In my Simple Shawl the pattern consisted of rows in garter stitch, stockinette stitch and said hole-row made of YO K2TOG... But you can do all kinds of pattern as long as you keep the amount of stitches the same in every row.
One thing that irritated me A LOT was that I thought for a long time I would begin to knit at the tip - But you don't! You start on the long edge in the middle. Maybe this little chart will help me (and you!) to remind this the next time:
(click to enlarge & feel free to save for personal use!)
Want More Scarf Week Inspiration?
The fiber arts fun has only just begun! Be sure to check all of these inspirational D.I.Y. projects hitting the blog-o-sphere today.
1. How To Construct and Knit a Triangular Shawl by It Was Weekend
2. Add a Crocheted Metallic Edge to a Store Bought Scarf by 7 Alive
3. Tasseled Crochet Neckerchief Pattern by Persia Lou
4. DIY Decorated Swell Shell Crochet Cowl by The Crafting Nook
5. Knitted Collegiate Scarf Pattern by 4 You With Love
And the Grand Finale....
It's hard to believe, but tomorrow will be the grand finale of Scarf Week. And the theme? Scarf Refashions. You don't want to miss it!To access all 5 days of Scarf Week, visit our co-coordinators, Lauren from The Thinking Closet and Vanessa from Tried & True. This week, they have been updating their posts with the clickable collages as they go live. And you can also explore all of the creative projects we've been sharing on social media with our hashtag, #ScarfWeek2015.
And be sure to stop back here tomorrow to check out my scarf refashion project.