
How to Clean Your Carpets with Baking Soda

Posted on the 10 April 2024 by Kiril Natov

You’ll be surprised at the amazing results you can achieve using baking soda to clean with. It can help to freshen and revitalise your carpets as well as being inexpensive and cost friendly for everyone. Not only is it the cheapest way to home clean your carpets, it’s 100 percent eco friendly. Using natural products leaves no imprint on the whilst removing some of the toughest possible stains and odours with ease.  Not only can you use it to hand clean you can also use it in most carpet cleaning machines, and if this isn’t an option for you, you can simply just sprinkle it onto your carpets to revitalise the carpet. It can all depend on the type of stain  that you are dealing with, as to which method will work the best.

Here are a few of the best methods for different types of stubborn stains and spills:

Greasy stains:

Some stains are going to be a lot harder to remove than others, stains that contain grease are going to require a little more effort to bring up.

  1. Before applying anything to the stained area use some paper towel to blot up as much of the grease from the stain as possible. It is very important to blot the stained area DO NOT rub the area as this will just cause the grease to spread and the affected area will grow into an even bigger problem and can end up causing the grease to seep deeping into the carpet fiber. 
  2. Once the blotting stage is complete and you believe you’ve removed as much of the grease as possible, you need to sprinkle some dry baking soda onto the stained area and allow it to sit overnight, you’ll find the longer that you leave the baking soda down the more grease it will be able to absorb.
  3. The following morning you need to vacuum the area thoroughly then determine whether you need to do anything further. If the stain remains you can take a small amount of fairy liquid and again begin to blot the stain to reduce further amounts of grease Do NOT rub, this will cause spreading, then get some clean water and fresh paper towels and slowly blot to remove the soapy residue. 
  4. Once all of the soapy residue is removed, dry the area until it is slightly damp and proceed to sprinkle another layer of baking soda onto the stain, leave again for a further 3 hours, then vacuum the area thoroughly again. You should find that the area is fresh once again and the stain completely removed. 
  1. If the stain remains after these steps you may need to seek professional help for removal of the stain.

Non-Greasy Stains:

Non-greasy stains are stains that don’t have an underlying residue to them, these are considerably easier to remove than the previously explained greasy stains.

  1. Firstly sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the stained area
  2. Then lightly mist the area with some hot water 
  3. Once the area is damp you will need to leave this mixture to sit on the carpet for at least 3-4 hours , however the longer you leave this mixture the better the results can be. If possible the best thing to do would be to complete this method before going to bed so it can sit overnight.
  4. In the morning or whenever you are ready to do so you will need to vacuum the area thoroughly and there you have it the stain should have been removed. This should leave your carpet looking considerably fresher. If the stain is still present you can repeat this process as much as you need to without causing any damage to your carpets.

Removing Tough Pet Odours:

Now whilst pets are lovely to keep and are usually made a part of the family they can leave a scent that you might not be able to smell anymore. This odour for visitors can be quite strong and can leave an embarrassing situation between them and yourselves. Pets can’t help this odour so it’s down to you the owners to help maintain a fresh smelling house for all yourselves and your visitors.

Pet doors stick to everything in the household, curtains, clothing, carpet fibres and so on. Fortunately, baking soda can dramatically help to remove the smelly odours  and leave a room smelling fresh and clean  again. The steps to achieve this are fairly simply and straightforward:

  1. Simply sprinkle a generous helping of the baking soda onto the specific area of the room that is most often inhabited by your pets. Following this allows the baking soda to sit for a minimum of 3 hours, however when possible it benefits to leave it  overnight to give it more time to work.
  2. Then all you will need to do is vacuum the area thoroughly and it should smell fresh and clean once again, it’s as simple as that.
  3. You can complete this method as often as you need/want  to, depending on the situation. The process of getting rid of those nasty pet odours couldn’t be easier.

Refresh your vacuum cleaner:

Your vacuum cleaner may get used daily, always trying to improve the look, feel and smell of your household so it’s very important to remember when vacuuming it will have a significant impact on the results that you are trying to achieve. Having a clean, fresh bag in your vacuum is important and to help improve this just add a small amount of baking soda inside the bags before inserting them into the vacuum, this helps to maintain a clean smell to your carpets. Even completing a routine carpet sprinkling just once a month when you change you bag over. This will help to enhance the smell of the room. This will ensure a clean fresh household that you will feel comfortable having guests in. 

No matter what approach that you may need to take, it is important to have a tub of baking soda in the kitchen cupboard. You can even consider mixing together some baking soda  with some cinnamon, cloves and any of your favorite dry herbs in equal parts and then sprinkle it generously on the floor surface. It is an inexpensive and aromatic way to get the results you are looking for.

Using baking soda with everyday carpet cleaners:

Some of you don’t want to be on your hands and knees cleaning your carpets, if this is the case no need to worry as you can actually use baking soda in most carpet cleaning London machines. You can take some baking soda and mix it with some plain water. Adding this into your carpet cleaning machine can aid you in the cleaning of your carpets. This depends on the kind of stain you are trying to remove and what you want to accomplish from the clean. If you’re trying to remove a grease stain you may need to also add a little bit of fairy liquid, this will help fight the grease in the stain, apply the fairy liquid directly onto the stain not through the carpet machine. Then you can proceed to go over the carpets with your carpet machine.

Before you know it your carpets will look and smell fresh and clean, all without the use of harsh chemical products. This is especially useful for households containing small children and pets considering it is the safest way to professionally clean your carpets yourself. 

For beautiful smelling carpets use Baking soda.

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