
How to Clean Meat with Vinegar

Posted on the 06 January 2023 by L'Express

To eat healthy, it is important to prepare the meat well. For example, chicken is an excellent source of protein and nutrients, and it’s low in unhealthy fats. However, eating chicken alone is not enough to have a healthy diet. It is also important to prepare it in such a way as to limit the development of harmful substances or bacteria. By using proper preparation methods, you can ensure that you are eating in a healthy way.

Here is what is recommended to properly prepare the meat and thus keep all its benefits.

Wash the meat with water – Source: spm

Why should meat be washed with vinegar before cooking?

Specialists recommend washing meat with vinegar, not water. As the bacteria responsible for digestive disorders can survive on the surface of the meat, it is not enough to wash the meat with water, because the bacteria can spread very easily.

Washing meat with vinegar is recommended for several reasons:

  • Vinegar is acidic and can kill bacteria on the surface of meat. By washing it with vinegar, you can reduce the risk of contamination with bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli.
  • Vinegar can also help remove impurities from meat, such as dirt and pesticide residue.
  • Vinegar can help soften the meat and make it more tender. This is especially useful for meats that are a bit too dry or tough.
  • In a bowl, mix hot water with one tablespoon of white vinegar per cup of water.
  • Place the meat in the bowl and let it soak for about 15 minutes.
  • Remove the meat from the bowl and rinse it with cold water to remove any residual vinegar.
  • Pat the meat dry with paper towel before preparing it for cooking.
  • It is important to note that vinegar will not kill all germs on meat and should not be used as a means of disinfection. It is recommended to cook the meat at a temperature high enough to kill any germs present.

    Cook the meat on a pan

    Cooking meat on a skillet – Source: spm

    Other healthy methods of cooking meat

    Depending on the cooking methods you use, you may lose nutrients during the cooking process. That’s why you need to use preparation methods that minimize nutrient loss and don’t produce harmful chemicals.

    Steaming is probably the healthiest

  • Steamed meat remains tender and moist: steaming prevents the meat from drying out and becoming tough, which can happen when cooked at high temperatures.
  • Steaming helps preserve nutrients: steam does not transfer heat as intensely as a boiling liquid, which can help preserve vitamins and minerals in meat.
  • Steaming can be healthier: using water or steam to cook meat instead of oil or butter can reduce the amount of fat in the diet.
  • Steaming can be faster: Steaming can be faster than cooking in liquid because steam transmits heat more efficiently.
  • Steaming can give a different taste to meat: by steaming meat, a milder and more subtle flavor can be obtained, which may be appreciated by some.
  • Other types of healthy cooking

    Another way to prepare chicken or any type of meat is to bake it, as this cooking, as opposed to frying, makes it a healthy dish. In addition, some vegetables and aromatic herbs placed next to the chicken will enhance its taste.

    The other tip for good preparation is to cut the chicken in a separate mincer, then wash it, to avoid potential contamination of vegetables or other ingredients.

    Finally, the other alternative to cooking meat healthily is to cook it on a grill or a ceramic pan. Avoid wood and charcoal barbecues. Although this gives the meat a unique taste, it can become filled with unhealthy compounds resulting from combustion.

    Read also Why is it essential to add vinegar to the cooking water for eggs?

    Via SPM

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