Lifestyle Magazine

How To Choose Strong Password That Slaps the Hacker Every Time

By Sandy16

Hello readers, today I will be sharing the post on how to choose strong password that never gets cracked. This post will be more meaningful for daily internet users because privacy is most important nowadays. We have seen many headlines in the newspapers and tv channels that many accounts were hacked. Accounts get hacked by your laziness in putting your passwords and this post is for you to save your account.

If the account gets hacked it totally goes to their control and they manage your account as that of you. This may cause severe problems for your both private and public life. Most of the accounts get hacked by guessing the passwords that you have provided for your accounts. And in this post, you will come to know on how to choose a strong password that never puts you down.

Tips to choose strong password:

Here we have provided all the most secure ways to protect your accounts from hackers by suggesting you on how to choose strong password. Below are the steps to be followed to put your account in safe hands.

1. Minimum length:

Password length is the effective measure of resisting hackers attack. If you put a small length password then he/she may hack your account by trying multiple guesses. And if you choose a password length of minimum count then it will be more difficult to the hacker to try all the possible tries. We have seen that many websites on the internet recommend providing 8 characters of passwords to secure their account. If you choose a small length password it may be cracked quickly but by providing 8 length password you can secure your account safely.

2. Selection of passwords:

Selection of passwords plays a major role in keeping your account secure. Most of the people put the passwords of similar and routine types that leads to easy hack of their accounts. We have seen many people choose their password like name123, password123 or 123name. These are the type of formats which tends to crack soon without hard guessings.

Choose strong password by involving the characters like a capital letter, numbers and small letters with special signs. This type of passwords works as the firewall to your account and secures your data confidently. Here is an example of the strong password naMe*543 these type of passwords can give you 100% protection to your online accounts.

3. Try reverse process:

Actually, reverse type of passwords is the method used by professional people to secure their account safely. This process may be new to you but practised by many people in the industry who deals with business activities. For example, consider a name John in reverse process it is chosen as nhoJ. Now combining the reverse process with a strong password we get the strong password like nhoJ*543.

Read: How To Hack Whatsapp Without Letting them Know and also you may be interested to read 4 Hacking Tips You Leave To Hacker And Gets Hacked

Tip of the Topic:

Above mentioned steps to choose strong password can protect your online accounts securely. Additionally here we have provided the most useful security tips. Never choose the same passwords for other accounts and never write your passwords in public places.Use capital and small letters with a special character and maintain upto 10-12 characters of password length.

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