Evening wear can be a little tricky to choose. Will I be under-dressed? Over-dressed? Too formal? Too casual? Look tarty? Look too young or too old?
So what should you wear? Well of course it depends on the dress code and occasion, if you’ve been invited out and are not sure the host is always happy to let you know how formal you should go. It also depends on your unique body and what flatters it. There are not really hard and fast rules about necklines and hemlines (but generally hemlines go down a bit with age).

You’re young, your skin is the tautest it will be now for the rest of your life, so this is the time of your life, that if you’re going to show a little skin if you want to. Don’t show all of it all at the same time though, keep it to 2 out of 5 areas (arms, legs, decolletage, back, stomach), so if you’re showing cleavage, and legs, don’t show off your stomach and back and arms at the same time. Cover something up!
Enjoy fabrics with sheen and shine, your skin is smooth, you don’t have wrinkles, smooth fabrics work best with smooth skin. Have fun and remain youthful, avoid anything frumpy which will age you beyond your years. Don’t worry about looking like mutton dressed as lamb, for you are a lamb!
You have a much better idea by now of what suits your body and what you love. You’re still youthful and your skin is good (unless you’ve spent too much time in the sun), but it’s time to get a little more polished. Think about letting go of the frills and flounces for a more adult outfit. Keep wearing clothes that shine and sparkle if that’s what you enjoy.
Sophistication is your key word. You don’t want to be wearing garments that remind people of your 5 year old daughter’s wardrobe. Simplify the lines, lower the hem to the knee, but don’t go fussy or frumpy in your look. Accentuate one part of your body at a time, rather than 2 or 3 parts.
Elegance is your aspiration. You’ve got years on your side, and understand that the best things come wrapped. Add some more drama into your outfit, you have the stature to do so. Avoid florals, unless they are dramatic, they will otherwise look old fashioned and frumpy, or too young and cutesy. Look for beautiful fabrics that have enough structure to hide the parts of your body that aren’t as firm as they once were. Find pieces that aren’t ‘in fashion’ so that you can get a decades wear out of them.
60s and beyond
You no longer care so much if people approve of you, as long as you like it, that’s what matters. It can be time to let out your inner eccentric if that’s the way you want to go. Find fabrics that drape and don’t cling, and garments that are simple and highlight your best features. Be bold, make a statement, if you need some inspiration, checkout Advanced Style to see how wonderful you can look when you dress to please yourself.