Art & Design Magazine

How to Check Perspective on My Sketch? Tips...

By Luciano
How to check perspective on my sketch? Tips...
Dear friends,
when we start sketching cars we usually start from a side view or a perspective. If we start from a side view (what I prefer to do...) we try proportions and also a credible creative proposal (taking into considerations package and some hard points).
If we start from a perspective we will spend sometime to get it right! However; how do we do to get it right without spending too much time on it?
Flip your page over!
The smart trick is exactly to flip your page over (see your drawing from the back). Using the transparent effect of your paper, pointing it to your window or on a light table, will show us all strange lines not really following the perspective. We will also judge better our proportions and design proposal attitude (is it too aggressive?  Is it too round? Is our Center Line well placed?...).
Now that you saw where your perspective problems are you can apply corrections improving your sketch!
Try and enjoy.
If you want you can order my "Car Design Sketching Tips" book on line at LULU

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