A social network is a website that brings people together to talk, share ideas and interests, or make new friends. This type of collaboration and sharing is known as social media. members have a very significant role in Social media groups. Each group member will bring a unique set of experiences, sources of information and level of participation in the community. For example, there will be some members who naturally become group organizers because of their ability to keep track of details. Those who have artistic abilities will find their personal identity as they offer creative input.
In order to become a member of WordPress, you need a plugin name BuddyPress.The BuddyPress member directory styles come out of the box looking like a flat list. It is functional but it isn’t terribly exciting or inspiring. Today we’re going do something fun with directories and explore a little bit of BuddyPress theming. We have developed a BuddyPress community theme named Reign Theme. Reign, The Ultimate WordPress BuddyPress Theme! With BuddyPress, you can build a social network for your company, school, sports team, or niche community all based on the power and flexibility of WordPress. Today we are going to discuss how to change the member directory layout by using Reign BuddyPress theme.
Lots of people ask about the member’s directory page for the BuddyPress they need some customization on that one. We have included some members buttons or number of members count followers and the following count. Displaying some other information on those members directory for members specific, based on their Xprofile fields. There are lots of customization based on that one. Members to pick which type of directory layout they want to display for their members.
Reing theme included new options with multiple directory layouts. You can see three directory layouts. These layouts are coming with lots of fields option like what you are going to display on the front page of the directory or individual section of the directory. So, let us follow the steps to change the member directory layout-
1. First of all, you need to go to Reign theme demo. After clicking on the Demo you’ll have to log in to demo with your mail-id. Confirm the account by mail.
2. After that go to the dashboard of Reign theme. There you ‘ll Reign theme settings. Click on the reign theme settings.
3.After clicking on the Reign settings click on the BuddyPress settings. Now you’ll able to see the six options on the left bar. You need to click on the BuddyPress layout management. Then you ‘ll see five options in front of your screen –
- Select member header position
- Select member header layout
- Select group header layout
- Select member directory layout
- Select group directory layout
All these options will help you change your layout settings in your BuddyPress profiles, members and groups directory.
4. Now you need to select the second last option select member directory layout. Choose which member directory layout will be best for you one two or three and it should be inside the container or it should be outside the BuddyPress container.
5. Now you can see the three layout designs in front of your screen. So, let us check out each layout one by one-
First Layout
In the first layout, you can see the simple option like avatar image with some information when you are last active and all the actions buttons will come.
Second layout
We have also included their personal information like how many friends they have, how many followers or following count they have.
Third layout
This layout is for members. It has the little bit more simple these patterns will be removed.
When you do hover on the Members and all the actions buttons come on the hover effect for this plus icon. Cancel friend request, follow, message. With the help of this icon, you can simply follow, message and cancel the user you want.
When you do hover over your profile you’ll see the two options- Profile settings and account settings. With the help of that options, you can change the settings of your profile and account.
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To know more about these setting in details check out the video here –
We hope you these will help you to change the layout of your profile as per your needs. Try out these steps and let us know the comment section. Thanks for reading. To know more about the Reign theme checkout the link – Here.
Check out the Demo
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