Gadgets Magazine

How To Cancel Callcredit

Posted on the 29 August 2018 by Pauljg1

Callcredit was founded in 2000 to provide software and analytics for their customers. They began to add credit reference agency facilities after this and now this is the main focus of the business. Callcredit offer business analytics, data and software to help with customer relationships. They also offer services such as insurance, telecoms, retail services and utilities for businesses in the financial and public sector.

Callcredit put a lot into the development of innovative new products and services that allow businesses to make smart, informed decisions. This helps build their customer relationships and makes for better profits.

If you are a Callcredit customer and you want to cancel any of their subscription services, then this guide to can help. To start with:

  • Go to the main website
  • Search how to cancel the account or service
  • Ring them on 0330 024 7574 or 0843 133 7245 to discuss. Or see this page.
  • If the service is through Noddle, send an email about the cancellation to

How To Cancel Callcredit

Step One- Visit the Main Call Credit Company Website

The first step in cancelling an account or service with Callcredit is to visit the main website. There is plenty of help here to tell you what to do to cancel.

Step Two - Learn how to cancel a Callcredit account and report

The process for cancelling a credit account is relatively simple and also applies if you have their Noddle service. For this, you cancel with an email to [email protected] Tell them the reason for cancelling and then someone from the team will ring you back.

Callcredit also offers a service to access your personal credit report. While smaller than Experian, it is still a good place to find the information you need. They offer a free trial period for a month then there is a monthly fee for the service. If you want to cancel before or after the free period, then get in touch with them.

In addition to giving you the credit rating, their paid product also help with advice on how to improve your credit score. You can access this as a paid member. You can also get an email about changes in your report and any attempted identity theft incidents that they detect.

If you notice an error on your report, you can notify them via the website and they will get this corrected as quickly as possible.

For more information about cancelling a service, visit their help pages of the website. To get information on terms of cancelling, ring the company and see what these are. And once you cancel, you will no longer be able to monitor your credit score through the system.

How To Cancel Callcredit

Step Three - Contact the Callcredit customer service through phone

If you can't find answers to your question on the website, then ring customer services on 0330 024 7574. To cancel a service without any queries involved, call 0843 133 7245.

Step Four - Contact Callcredit by e-mail or by post

If you want to cancel in writing, then you can send the details of the account to be cancelled to their address:

Callcredit check

You can also send an email to [email protected] to cancel this service. This also serves for complaints or queries regarding the cancellation and your general credit report.

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