Business Magazine

How to Build Your Social Media Audience for Your Business

Posted on the 10 January 2014 by Zafar @seompdotcom

With the advent of technology, the internet has without a doubt become one of the most viable marketing platforms for any business. Social media in particular has played a great role to enhance online marketing with millions of users worldwide. If utilized properly, social media management, facebook advertising can be just what you need to take your business to the next level since you have access to a wider audience from varying age groups, nationalities and ethnicity just to mention but a few. So then the question arises, how do you build your social media audience and reap the optimal benefits from this simple yet effective marketing tool. The following are some concise tips that will come in handy to help you achieve that goal.

Importing your current contacts
One feature that happens to be on every social media platform is adding new contacts. You can utilize this medium by inviting your contacts from your business and personal mailing list. Your contacts will in turn receive a message that you have requested them to like your business page and just like that, you have quite a handful following your page already. Furthermore, some social media platforms allow you to integrate your email contacts through a simple well laid out process.

Engage your audience
One of the most critical components of building a social media audience is being relevant. You need to offer something the audience is captivated by and they find unique. Further, be sure to update your social media page frequently and consistently with unique content and always respond to fans when they reach out. They will feel appreciated and most of all feel that their opinion counts. Suffice it to say, don’t try too hard to impress but also ensure your current and potential audience is impressed by what you have to offer.

Be as visible as possible
It would be paramount to ensure you put a Facebook badge on your website which will in turn lead to more traffic on your social media page. You can even go further to advertise your page in your offices such that anyone who visits your offices can know where to look you up or even alongside your other marketing mediums. In essence, be as visible as possible.

Make use Photos and videos
As the saying goes, a picture can tell a thousand words. As such, mixing your social media posts between videos, photos and text will come in handy to ensure your social media management, facebook advertising is a success. Most people don’t read long threads of text and would rather just look at some photos with simple captions. Either way, the message is delivered.

Offer specials on your social media page
Do you want as many followers as possible? This can be one great way to lure people in. You can offer discounts, specials and many more on your page. Additionally, you can go a step further to force’ people to like your page before they can redeem their offers hence not only growing your following on social media but also your business output.

All in all, the above tips will go a long way into ensuring your experience with social media marketing is not only awe aspiring but also rewarding to your business.

How to Build Your Social Media Audience for Your Business
Reviewed by Admin on
Jan 10

Rating: 5.0
How to Build Your Social Media Audience for Your Business
With the advent of technology, the internet has without a doubt become one of the most viable marketing platforms for any business.
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