Lifestyle Magazine

How to Boost Your Social Life Using Spiritual Tonic

By Julia Fernandes @appshub

Life is not only a matter of body it has lot to do with the spiritual aspect also. Research has shown that your spiritual strength and mental state creates deep impression on your lifestyle. Here are some tips with which you can strengthen your spiritual dimension of life and in turn become a successful person in society.

How to Boost Your Social Life Using Spiritual Tonic

Stop Worrying as it Kills Life

Having different kinds of worries on your mind will eventually terminate your physical life. Worries create lot of pressure on mind that disturbs the metabolism of the body. [Read: 12 Things Happy People Do Differently to Remain Satisfied]. A large number of ailments like heart attacks, depression, insomnia etc are attributed to worries. For a healthy lifestyle you should shun worries.

Begin Each Day with a Prayer as it will Arm Your Soul

When you get up early in the morning you should pray for you're a successful day ahead. A Prayer means that you submit yourself before the Divine power. It will give you immense inner strength. You will feel as if your soul has been armed to face the difficulties of the world around you.

Control Appetite as Over -Indulgence Clogs Mind and Body

Make it an axiom that you should eat to live and not live to eat. Eat as much as is necessary for your health and life. Eating too much does not necessarily contribute towards a healthy life, rather contrary is true most of the time. Controlling appetite and keeping yourself a bit hungry will make you active. Over eating always clogs the mind as well the body.

Accept Your Limitations

Every person has limitations and all human being are inclined to err. If you think that you are not liable to commit mistakes then you are divorced from reality. With your inherent limitations you will keep on committing mistakes and will continue to face embarrassment. But if you accept your limitations you will come to terms with realities of life. You will feel satisfied and will not continue to crib against yourself for the failures.

Don't Envy as it Wastes Time and Energy

When you see someone more prosperous, more elevated in social status and more gorgeous you tend to feel envy. But this sentiment of envy is not good for your health. You will always be thinking negative about that person and may not be able to do anything positive. It is better not to envy rather keep struggling to attain the higher position in society.

Have Faith in People as Cynicism Sours the Disposition

If you keep on doubting others you may not be able to get anywhere. This world runs on the principle of give and take. You have to trust people in order to get your wheels moving. Cynicism will only weaken your disposition and you will feel misfit in many situations.

Find a Hobby as it will Relax Your Nerves

Even if you are a busy and committed person you must adopt some hobby. All of your activities in life may not be and should not be, productive in material sense but the gains can be in other forms also. Hobby will give you a soothing effect and will make your life more satisfied and peaceful.

Spend Some Time in Solitude for Peace of Mind and Silence

If you always remain busy and committed in the rush of people you are inclined to lose your peace of mind. You need solitude as essentially as you need company of people. Solitude gives you peace of mind and revitalizes your inner energies.

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