Yesterday a friend called me and said his blogger blog has been hacked. Yes! His blog was hacked and do you know the most painful part of the incident? He did not backup his blog posts, comments and images before the incident occurred. He refused to back up his blog because he thinks it’s impossible for a blogger blog to get hacked. News flash – it is 100% possible to get hacked if you’re using a blogger blog.

On my today post – we shall be learning how to backup our blog against future hazard. But first let discuss why we need a backup for our blogs…
Must Read: How To Create And Setup A Google Custom Search For Your Blog
Backing up our blog is very essential and compulsory. Not backing up your files, is like not having a backup file of your company’s projects. We really need to backup our blogs in case we come across,
→ Problem with host
→ Migrating from one platform to another
→ Incase you get hacked
→ Messed up your blogs code
→ Can you mention any other reasons why we need to backup our blog?
We can easily restore our blog back to exactly the way it was in just seconds. Now tell me who wouldn’t want to backup his or her blog?
How To Backup Your Blogspot Post, Comments and images The Best Way.
Remember that Backing up your blogger blog is as easy as backing up a wordpress blog or any other blogging platform you could think of

Must Read: 10 Top Reasons I Sticked to Blogger despite all odds
My today tutorial is a request from a good friend. Since he is finding it difficult to backup his blog, I know this little information will also be useful to many bloggers using the blogger blog platform…
How To Backup Your Blogger blog Template
To backup a template is not that hard and today I am going to show you how you can backup your template as well…
Go to your blogger dashboard >>> Click Template, to take you to your template area
Above the right hand side, Click Backup/Restore [see image]

On the new popup box that comes out, Click “Download Full Template” [see image below]

Now wait till it download and you have successfully backed up your blogger blog template. Now let’s move on to the main topic at hand.
Backing Up Your Blogger Blog Posts, Comments And Images
Must Read: How to Create a Custom WordPress Login page
To ensure a success, follow the below steps to backup your post, images and comments
Go to your blogger blog dashboard >>> Click “Settings” >>> Click “Other”.
Are you in the “Other” section now? If yes, you will see something like the image below.

Now click on “Export blog” >>> an action box will popup [See image below]

Now click on the “Download blog” and watch your blog download in XML format file.
Remember: You can use your blogger backup with other blogging platforms like, WordPress, Tumblr, Joomla, Drupal e.t.c and your blog will load as if you did not migrate. Now tell me how cool can this get?
I am sure that the procedure I lay down is easy to understand so please do always backup your blog to prevent yourself from future hazard. Also watch out for other method of performing this trick

Back To You:
It looks like I have said so much about so much, now it’s time to pass the ball to you my friends.
Must Read: 7 Major Reasons Why I Love And Use WordPress
Do you use blogger blog as your blogging platform? If yes, do you backup your blog? if yes, how do you do it and if not, why are you not backing up your blog? Please do tell us your answer by using the comment box below…
Ahhh… If you are not using blogger blog then please do answer this question; How often do you backup your wordpress blog? Please do drop your answers using the comment box below…
Do you have comments, questions and thoughts you’d love to share with us? Then please do by using the comment box below. Remember that your comments, questions and thoughts are highly welcomed and most appreciated.
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posted on 26 January at 03:40
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