
How to Avoid Risk of Headaches While Following the Keto Diet?

Posted on the 04 April 2022 by Geetikamalik

Travel losing weight is not easy. With work from home to our new normal, lifestyle settled once again finding the way to our lives and has made us a little lazy. Our physical movements have been restricted by staring at the laptop or cellular screen throughout the day in the comfort of our bed. As a result, instead of deciding to shed some extra kilos, we finally got another partner. Those who have a busy schedule and cannot rely on the gym to lose weight, often take alternative routes to modify their diet or follow the keto diet.

We all must have heard the term “keto diet”, but not many of us realize what they mean and what they do. The keto diet is low carbohydrates, medium protein and high diet. The Keto diet focuses on taking body careful intake and increasing the amount of protein in the diet. With carbohydrate intake down, the body uses fat that has been saved to produce energy to perform everyday functions. After all saved. Fat is used in producing energy, the body then starts to burn fat, so it helps in the process of fast weight loss. This fat burning process is not carbohydrate called ketosis.

Even though the keto diet does a miracle, it comes with the pro and cons part. While it helps lose weight quickly for people who don’t have time without time for intense gyms and exercises, it also brings many symptoms for the keto diet. Some of these symptoms include brain fog, abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, sore throat, body pain, and headaches. Headaches are common symptoms observed by those who consume a keto diet. Also known as Keto’s headache, it is a constant cause of worries for the first few weeks with a diet. After the body is familiar with the transition in a diet, the opportunity for headaches drops.

Here are some common reasons for headaches during the keto diet:

1. Low blood sugar levels

2. Dehydration.

3. Electrolyte imbalance

With carbohydrate intake, the brain functions on glucose, but when a shift is made of carbohydrates into fat, the brain uses fat that has been stored and therefore a decrease in blood sugar levels is witnessed, which leads to headaches. With stored fat consumed to produce energy, the body starts to feel dehydrated and the frequency of urination also rises, causing headaches.

The keto dieters can try these methods to avoid the risks of a headache:

1. Drinking plenty of water

2. Avoiding intense workout sessions

3. Avoiding processed and refined food items

4. Consuming foods with high potassium and magnesium content.

Follow these tips to keep your chances of getting a headache at bay.

The post How to Avoid Risk of Headaches While Following the Keto Diet? first appeared on NewsBamboo.

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