Dear Imogen
Do you have any advice on how to accessorize with salt and pepper hair? After ceasing to color my hair, my natural color is revealed to be a combination of multicolored warm/neutral gray streaks from ivory, to ecru, to silver, to taupe, to charcoal to a few streaks of seal gray. (I wear my naturally wavy hair slightly below my chin in soft long layers). I love the variety of colors in my hair and have received many compliments, but I now have no idea how choose accessories, especially jewelry, to complement rather than compete with my new hair color(s).
One might think with such busy looking hair I wouldn’t need jewelry, but I think it’s important when one lets her hair go naturally gray not to look unkempt (or too severe). Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!

warm gray hair earrings by imogenl featuring blue topaz jewelry
Earrings that have multiple metals are great as they replicate elements of your hair and look harmonious. An earring that isn’t just smooth and flat will create a more interesting look.
As we grey, our colouring mutes and softens, so it’s important to think about this when choosing earrings and clothing. You want to think about the simultaneous contrast of the earrings and your face and hair and how they are interacting. Don’t go for really bright colours, but some jewel tones will help the earrings to shine through your hair without looking garish.
Find earrings with some sparkle, particularly if they are just in a metal such as silver, as it helps them to cut through the hair and draw light and attention up to your face.

earrings for cool gray hair by imogenl featuring drop earrings
Also, with gray hair comes maturity and the expectation of quality, so stay away from cheap or plastic looking earrings (they are for the young). Your jewelry doesn’t have to be all ‘real’ as such, there are so many great costume pieces available these days that you’d have no idea of the cost. Don’t go too small and fiddly either as it can start to look fussy and conservative as you mature.

necklaces for gray hair by imogenl featuring a rose gold necklace
As far as necklaces or brooches go, of course there is always your personality element coming into the picture, but I’d advise that you wear bolder pieces rather than small. You are older and more mature and are assumed to have more confidence, so jewelry that makes more of a statement is much more flattering than insignificant pieces that are more discreet.
Be careful with small strings of pearls, if you are not really classic, they can look very old-fashioned. Pearls in updated settings such as the one in the picture above on the right are a modern way to wear pearls.
Brushed metals are also great as your colouring is fading, as they are less garish, and harmonise well with a more matte skin and hair.
Gone gray already? What have you noticed working well as your hair has greyed and you have matured? Share your tips please!