Despite the perpetual search for ways and tips to improve daily life, it is not uncommon for some people to feel helpless when faced with humidity problems. We would certainly like to be able to get rid of it for good, but it is not always possible. However, there is a very effective way to reduce its effects on our environment. Explanation.
In addition to being essential for the preparation of certain foods, salt has many virtues. Indeed, this simple condiment can be useful to you in a whole other way. Here’s everything you need to know about it, down to the smallest detail.
Salt is hygroscopic, which means it has the ability to absorb moisture from the air. When salt is exposed to humid air, it attracts water from the air and holds it to its surface. This property is due to the chemical structure of salt, which includes sodium and chloride ions. Sodium ions have a positive charge and chloride ions have a negative charge, and they are bound by an ionic bond strength. This chemical structure allows salt to easily associate with water and absorb it
Why put a bowl of coarse salt under your bed?
If there are many rooms in the house where the air must be purified regularly, it is the bedrooms. Nevertheless, these are generally closed during the winter, to avoid catching cold.
Only, even in winter, it is advisable to reduce the humidity. In effect, in case high humidity, fungus and mold eventually develop within the room.
Traces of mold in a bedroom. Source: spm
In addition, humidity can have harmful effects on health, especially for sensitive people, by causing skin irritation, headaches, nausea, vomiting and even respiratory problems.
In this kind of situation, it is necessary to drastically reduce the humidity, especially in the bedroom and for this you can count on salt.
Coarse salt to absorb moisture

Coarse salt in a bowl. Source: spm
You may ventilate your bedroom all day, but that does not prevent the accumulation of humidity, hence the usefulness of placing a bowl of salt there. This trick eliminates all the humidity that forms during the night when the room is completely closed. A bowl of salt oflaid under the bed, will act as a powerful dehumidifier. This will therefore prevent the formation of mold, allowing you to sleep peacefully.
Once again, here is a simple, economical and ecological way to absorb the humidity present in your bedroom. The occasion at the same time, of preserve your health.
Salt is an ingredient that no one should miss, as it can be useful in so many ways. Did you also know that it can also be used to clean the house? For now, it will allow you to fight against humidity.
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