All these things are evident to the discerning Christian's eye. Something else that was immediately evident is that there is something of the prophetic in Obama.
When he burst upon the scene in 2007, it was immediately apparent that Obama was unlike any other politician the modern world has seen, except maybe Hitler. He was so strange and his aura of charm and likability so strong that people openly asked if he was the antichrist. Many Christians' spiritually negative views of Obama were realized when he began operating in the White House. His policies, his statements, and attitude toward law, order, and right living confirmed that their initial spiritual uneasiness about him indeed had a basis. They are examples of what is yet to come. But they are also preparing the way for what is to come by conditioning people to give up their rights for the so-called greater good.
Though Obama probably is not the antichrist, I and many others believe that he is a kind of forerunner. A Pastor friend of mine stated it succinctly last night:
"Did you see Bill O'Reilly's brief interview with Robert Jeffress earlier this week? Pastor Jeffress concisely stated his belief regarding President Obama's influence on the future. While Jeffress' book was written to those who are curious about what is going to happen in the future, his comments [two paragraphs] about President Obama's unwitting role of preparing the mindset of Americans for a future world dictator has drawn a lot of attention."
The only remark I would make about my wise pastor friend's comment is that it's my opinion that Obama's role in the satanic set-up for coming Tribulation conditions is not unwitting.
He was referring to an interview on Fox, where Jeffress said,
"There’s going to be a future world dictator, before Christ returns, who’s going to usurp people’s personal …rights. …He’s going to wage war against God’s people, he’s gonna change God’s laws and he’s going to do it without any opposition. And my question was, how’s he going to be able to pull that off? And my thesis is, people will have been conditioned long before the Antichrist comes to accept governmental overreach. And that’s what you’re seeing with President Obama right now.
Here is a lengthier interview than the brief one on Fox News, excerpted from the Christian Post (CP):
"Robert Jeffress on Revelation, President Obama's Role in End Times Prophecy and Motivating Christians to Share the Gospel (Part I)"
"Pastor Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of the 11,000-member First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, has released a new book, Perfect Ending: Why Your Eternal Future Matters Today, that cuts through the misconceptions about end times prophecy and God's judgment, and answers questions about heaven. It also answers why Christians should be actively sharing the Gospel with nonbelievers.
CP: In your book, you mention that President Barack Obama's policies and political agenda is paving the way for a future world dictator. Can you provide a couple examples of those policies?
Jeffress: Those are probably the two paragraphs in the book that have garnered the most national attention. I want to be very clear, I am not claiming that President Obama is the Antichrist. In fact, I'm absolutely certain he is not the Antichrist. The reason I can say that is the Bible indicates the Antichrist will have higher poll numbers. But I do believe that the president is paving the way for a future world dictator.
The Bible says the seven years of history before the coming of Christ will be characterized by this world dictator that we commonly call the Antichrist. He will usurp people's basic freedoms, such as speech, worship and commerce. He will launch an attack against God's people. And he will seek to change God's moral law, according to Daniel 7:25. And he will be able to accomplish all of these things with little to no opposition – at least at the beginning.
Jeffress then gave examples of several foundational policies Obama has instituted that directly pave the way for the future world dictator, and Jeffress concluded with this:
"This is what I'm saying: The president is both illustrative of, but he's also preparing the way for the coming world dictator. Now, let me be very clear and say that I do not believe that President Obama kneels before an altar of Satan in the Oval Office every day – I'm not saying that at all. But I am saying that what he is doing now is preparing the way for this future dictator."
Obama's success is not contained in this policy or that law. It is not the minutiae of Obamacare or even his
Please read the interview linked above. Pastor Jeffress was equally adamant that we as Christians have the unique perspective of being able to see the future, and so should share the Gospel with verve and haste. Time is running out.