
How Long To Dry Clothes To Kill Bed Bugs?

Posted on the 16 December 2023 by Betty T. Edwards Betty

To kill bed bugs, clothes should be dried in a dryer on high heat for at least an hour.

How Long To Dry Clothes To Kill Bed Bugs?


How Long To Dry Clothes To Kill Bed Bugs?

To effectively kill bed bugs on clothes, it is recommended to dry them on high heat for at least one hour. Washing clothes in hot water alone is also effective in eliminating bed bugs, but adding a drying cycle will enhance the process.

Bed bugs are tiny pests that can infest your home, hiding in cracks and crevices, including your bedding, furniture, and even your clothes. These blood-sucking insects are a nuisance and can cause itchiness, discomfort, and sleepless nights. Dealing with a bed bug infestation requires a comprehensive approach, and treating your clothes is an essential part of the process.

When it comes to killing bed bugs in clothes, there are several methods you can employ. While using hot water or freezing temperatures can effectively eliminate these pests, drying clothes is another popular option. It’s important, however, to understand the right temperature and duration required for effective treatment.

The dryer can be a powerful weapon against bed bugs, but it’s essential to ensure you use the right settings for effective treatment. Bed bugs are known to die at temperatures above 122°F (50°C). Therefore, it is recommended to dry your clothes on the highest heat setting available, ideally exceeding this temperature.

According to experts, it is recommended to dry your clothes for at least 30 minutes at a high heat setting to kill bed bugs effectively. However, for added assurance, you may want to extend the drying time to an hour or more.

Note: Remember, the drying process should not be a substitute for a comprehensive bed bug treatment plan. Eliminating bed bugs requires a combination of cleaning, washing, and treating your home and belongings thoroughly.

A few additional tips to keep in mind when drying clothes to kill bed bugs:

  1. Ensure you remove all clothes from the infested area and seal them in a plastic bag before transferring them to the dryer. This will help prevent the spread of bed bugs.
  2. Consider using a high-capacity dryer to ensure there is enough space for the clothes to move around, allowing for even heat distribution.
  3. Steam drying can also be effective in killing bed bugs, as the hot vapor penetrates the fabric and eliminates these pests.
  4. After the drying cycle, inspect your clothes carefully for any remaining bed bugs or signs of infestation. If you notice any, it may be necessary to repeat the process or seek professional assistance.

Remember, proper hygiene and regular inspection are crucial in preventing and dealing with bed bug infestations. Although drying your clothes can aid in killing these pests, it’s essential to address the root cause and take proactive measures to prevent future infestations.

The Bed Bug Problem

To effectively kill bed bugs, it is recommended to wash clothes at very hot temperatures. While washing alone can eliminate them, adding a drying cycle on high heat for at least an hour will help ensure all bed bugs are eradicated.

Bed bugs can be a persistent and frustrating problem to deal with in any household. These tiny, flat insects are notorious for their ability to infest various areas of the home, including clothes. If you’re dealing with a bed bug infestation and wondering how long to dry clothes to kill bed bugs, it’s important to first understand the nature of the problem. In this section, we will explore how bed bugs infest clothes, common locations of infestations, and the signs to look out for.

How Bed Bugs Infest Clothes

Bed bugs are skilled hitchhikers. They can easily crawl onto clothing or hide within the folds, making it an ideal hiding place and transportation method for them. Whether you have been traveling, visiting a friend’s house, or even sitting on a bus or train, these pests can quickly find their way onto your clothes and come back home with you. Bed bugs are attracted to body heat and carbon dioxide, which is why they gravitate towards sleeping areas and bedding, including clothes.

Common Locations Of Bed Bug Infestations

Bed bugs are not limited to just beds. They can infest numerous areas in your home, including cracks and crevices, furniture, and even electronics. However, they have a strong affinity for areas where you spend a significant amount of time, such as your bed, couch, or favorite chair. Additionally, bed bugs are known to hide in cluttered areas, so if your clothes are piled up or stored improperly, they can easily become a breeding ground for these unwanted pests.

Signs Of Bed Bug Infestation

Identifying a bed bug infestation is crucial in order to take proper measures to eradicate them. While bed bugs are difficult to spot due to their small size and ability to hide, there are several signs you can look out for. These signs include dark spots on your sheets or mattress, which are caused by bed bug excrement, tiny bloodstains on your bedding or pajamas from their bites, and even a musty odor emitted by their scent glands.

The bed bug problem is the first step in combating and preventing their spread. Knowing how bed bugs infest clothes, common locations of infestations, and the signs of a bed bug problem will help you take appropriate action to protect your home and family. In the next section, we will explore the effectiveness of drying clothes to kill bed bugs and how to do it properly. Stay tuned!

Methods For Killing Bed Bugs In Clothes

To effectively kill bed bugs in clothes, it is recommended to wash them in hot water and then dry them on high heat for at least an hour. This combination of heat treatments will help eliminate bed bugs and prevent them from spreading.

When it comes to getting rid of bed bugs, it’s not only your mattress and furniture that you need to worry about. These pesky critters can also infest your clothes, making it important to know how to effectively kill them. Luckily, there are several methods you can use to eradicate bed bugs from your garments. In this article, we’ll explore different techniques to effectively kill bed bugs in clothes. Let’s dive in:

High Temperature Washing

One of the most effective methods for killing bed bugs in clothes is through high temperature washing. Bed bugs cannot survive in extreme heat, so washing your clothes in hot water can effectively eliminate them. For optimal results, set your washing machine to the highest temperature setting available, usually around 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure to include detergent, as it helps break down the bugs’ protective coating, increasing the chances of eradication. After washing, be sure to dry your clothes thoroughly to ensure all the bugs are eliminated.

Hot Dry Cycle

In addition to high temperature washing, utilizing a hot dry cycle can further enhance your efforts in killing bed bugs in clothes. After washing, transfer your garments to the dryer and set it to the highest heat setting. The high temperatures generated by the dryer will help kill any remaining bed bugs that may have survived the wash. It’s recommended to dry your clothes for at least 30 minutes to ensure complete elimination.

Using Steam

Steam is an effective non-toxic method for killing bed bugs in clothes. The high temperature of the steam can instantly kill bed bugs and their eggs on contact. To use this method, hang your clothes on a hanger or place them on a heat-resistant surface. Run the steam over each garment, focusing on the seams and crevices where bed bugs like to hide. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and effective use of the steam device.


Freezing your clothes is another method for killing bed bugs. Place your infested clothes in a sealed plastic bag and put them in the freezer. Bed bugs cannot survive in temperatures below freezing, so leaving your clothes in the freezer for at least 72 hours will ensure their complete eradication. After the freezing process, wash and dry your clothes as usual to remove any dead bed bugs and their remnants.

By utilizing these methods, you can effectively kill bed bugs in your clothes and prevent their spread to other areas of your home. Remember to follow the appropriate temperature guidelines and ensure thorough drying to achieve the best results. With a proactive approach, you can eliminate these unwelcome guests and enjoy a bug-free wardrobe.

How Long To Dry Clothes To Kill Bed Bugs?


Effectiveness Of Drying Clothes To Kill Bed Bugs

Drying clothes is an effective method to kill bed bugs, but the duration may vary. To ensure effectiveness, it is recommended to dry the fabric on high heat for at least an hour. Taking these precautions can help eliminate bed bugs and prevent their spread.

Scientific Studies On Bed Bug Survival In Dryers

Scientific studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of drying clothes as a method to kill bed bugs. One study published in the journal Insects found that bed bugs could be successfully eradicated through heat treatment in dryers. The study concluded that a minimum exposure of 30 minutes at a temperature of 113°F (45°C) was sufficient to kill all life stages of bed bugs.

Another study published in the Journal of Economic Entomology examined the impact of different drying conditions on bed bug survival. The researchers found that increasing both temperature and duration significantly increased the mortality rate of bed bugs. At temperatures of 122°F (50°C) or higher, bed bugs were completely eradicated within 10 minutes of exposure.

The Impact Of Temperature And Duration

Temperature and duration play crucial roles in determining the effectiveness of drying clothes to kill bed bugs. As mentioned earlier, a temperature of at least 113°F (45°C) is required to ensure complete elimination of all life stages of bed bugs. However, higher temperatures can achieve faster eradication.

The duration of exposure is equally important. While bed bugs can be killed within 30 minutes at 113°F (45°C), longer durations are recommended for a more thorough eradication. A drying cycle of 60 minutes or more is often recommended to ensure that all bed bugs are eliminated.

Factors Influencing Drying Effectiveness

Several factors can influence the effectiveness of drying clothes to kill bed bugs. These include:

1. Clothing Thickness: Thicker fabrics such as blankets or jackets may require longer drying times or higher temperatures to ensure complete eradication of bed bugs.

2. Moisture Content: Wet or damp clothes may reduce the efficiency of drying as the heat needed to kill bed bugs is absorbed by the moisture. It is important to ensure that clothes are completely dry before undergoing heat treatment.

3. Dryer Efficiency: The efficiency and temperature accuracy of the dryer itself can impact the effectiveness of bed bug eradication. Regular maintenance and proper use of the dryer are essential for optimal results.

Precautions And Best Practices

To effectively kill bed bugs in the dryer and prevent re-infestation, it is important to follow these precautions and best practices:

1. Sort and Isolate Infested Items: Separate infested clothes from other non-infested items to prevent the spread of bed bugs. Place infested items in sealed plastic bags or containers before transporting them to the dryer.

2. Use High Heat Settings: Set the dryer to the highest heat setting available. This will ensure that the temperature is sufficient to kill bed bugs.

3. Extend Drying Time: Run the drying cycle for at least 60 minutes to ensure that all bed bugs are eliminated. Longer durations may be required for thicker fabrics or larger loads.

4. Regular Inspections: After drying, carefully inspect all items for any signs of remaining bed bugs or eggs. If any signs are found, repeat the drying process or consult a professional pest control service.

By adhering to these precautions and best practices, drying clothes in a high-temperature dryer can be an effective method to kill bed bugs and prevent their spread. Remember to always follow manufacturer’s instructions for your specific dryer model.

Additional Tips And Considerations

To effectively kill bed bugs, it is recommended to dry clothes in a hot dryer for at least one hour. This helps to eliminate any bed bugs that may be hiding in the fabric and prevents them from spreading to other areas of your home.

Properly disposing of bed bug-infested items is also essential to prevent further infestations.

Treating Bed Bugs In Other Household Items

When dealing with a bed bug infestation, it’s important to remember that bed bugs can hide not only in your clothes but also in other household items. To eliminate these pesky pests from items such as curtains, stuffed animals, or bedding, you need to take a different approach. One effective method is to place the infested items in a sealed plastic bag and leave them in a hot car for a few hours during a hot day. The high temperatures inside the car will help kill bed bugs and their eggs. Another option is to use a steam cleaner with high heat to treat these items, as the heat from the steam can effectively kill bed bugs on contact. It’s essential to thoroughly inspect and treat all items that may harbor bed bugs to ensure a complete eradication.

Preventing Reinfestation

Once you have successfully eliminated bed bugs from your clothes and other household items, it’s vital to take steps to prevent reinfestation. Start by thoroughly cleaning your home, including vacuuming carpets, mattresses, and upholstery regularly. Be sure to dispose of the vacuum bag or empty the canister outside of your home to prevent any remaining bed bugs from reinfesting your living space. Additionally, consider using mattress encasements and bed bug-proof covers to prevent bed bugs from hiding in your mattress or box spring. If you travel frequently, inspect your luggage and clothing carefully before bringing them back into your home. Taking these preventive measures will help minimize the chances of bed bugs returning and causing another infestation.

Seeking Professional Help

If you’ve tried various DIY methods to eliminate bed bugs from your clothes and household items but are still struggling with an infestation, it may be time to seek professional help. Pest control professionals have the expertise, experience, and tools necessary to effectively exterminate bed bugs from your home. They will conduct a thorough inspection, identify the extent of the infestation, and develop a customized treatment plan to eliminate the bed bugs completely. While professional services may require an investment, it’s often worth it for the peace of mind and guaranteed results they provide.

Dealing With Bed Bug Eggs

One of the challenges in eradicating bed bugs is their ability to lay hundreds of eggs. Bed bug eggs are tiny, about the size of a pinhead, and typically found in crevices and cracks near their hiding spots. To ensure complete eradication, it’s crucial to address bed bug eggs as well. One effective method is to wrap infested clothing in plastic bags and place them in a freezer set to below 0°F (-18°C) for a minimum of four days. This freezing process will kill both bed bugs and their eggs. Another option is to utilize a dryer set to high heat for at least 30 minutes, as the heat will also destroy bed bug eggs. Remember to be thorough in your treatment approach to eliminate both adult bed bugs and their eggs effectively.

These additional tips and considerations will help you better understand how to treat bed bugs in other household items, prevent reinfestation, seek professional assistance if necessary, and effectively deal with bed bug eggs. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a successful eradication and regain a bed bug-free home.

How Long To Dry Clothes To Kill Bed Bugs?


Frequently Asked Questions On How Long To Dry Clothes To Kill Bed Bugs?

How Long To Dry Fabric For Bed Bugs?

To dry fabric and kill bed bugs, place the clothes in a hot dryer for at least an hour on high heat. This will ensure that the high temperatures effectively eliminate the bed bugs. Remember to seal any infested items in plastic bags or containers before disposal to prevent spreading.

Do You Have To Throw Out Clothes After Bed Bugs?

You generally don’t have to throw out clothes after bed bugs. Most times, clothing, bedding, and furniture can be treated and don’t need to be discarded. If you decide to dispose of items, seal them in a plastic bag first to prevent spreading bed bugs.

Proper Disposal Of Bed Bug Infested Household Items – NYC. gov.

Can Bed Bugs Survive The Washer?

Yes, bed bugs can survive the washer. Washing clothes alone may not kill bed bugs. It is recommended to use high temperatures and add a drying cycle to effectively eliminate them. Proper disposal or sealing of infested items is also necessary to prevent spreading.

Is A Hair Dryer Hot Enough To Kill Bed Bugs?

Yes, a hair dryer can be hot enough to kill bed bugs.

How Long Does It Take To Kill Bed Bugs In The Dryer?

It takes at least 30 minutes of drying on high heat to kill bed bugs in the dryer.

Can A Hair Dryer Kill Bed Bugs?

No, a hair dryer does not get hot enough to kill bed bugs. It is not an effective method of extermination.


Drying clothes to kill bed bugs is an effective method that can be easily implemented. By washing clothes at high temperatures and then running them through the dryer on high heat for at least an hour, bed bugs can be eliminated.

It is important to seal infested items in plastic bags or containers before disposal to prevent the bugs from spreading. Remember to follow these guidelines to ensure a bed bug-free environment. Stay proactive and tackle this issue promptly for a peaceful sleep.

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