
How Long Does Milorganite Take to Work on a Lawn?

Posted on the 22 November 2020 by Topyarddesign @design_yard

To promote the healthy growth of your lawn, first and foremost, you should provide it with the right elements. In addition to the appropriate amount of water and sunlight, the roots need the right kind of nutrients as well. In this case, a quality fertilizer will do the job. Speaking of which, Melorganite is among the most popular brands nowadays because of the effectiveness and quality of their product.

In this article, we’ll discuss how long Milorganite takes to work on a lawn. But first, it’s essential to get a better understanding of what it actually does for the grass. Then, we’ll give you some guidance on how to apply the fertilizer properly to get the best results.

lush green lawn

How Does Milorganite Work?

Milorganite is an organic fertilizer, comprising of nitrogenous elements, because of which it’s categorized as natural. These elements provide nitrogen to the plants, which helps them

  • Grow at a fast pace
  • Form foliage rapidly
  • Form chlorophyll

Being organic, Milorganite works in such a way that it releases nutrients slowly, preventing nutrient runoff.

Around 80% of the nitrogen in Milorganite is water-insoluble, which means it’ll be released gradually in the soil due to microbial action and reach to every corner of the grass. This way, it provides the lawn with all the necessary minerals over an extended period of time, which will help it grow faster and remain healthy. That being so, you shouldn’t be concerned about fertilizing it too frequently.

Additionally, unlike most fertilizers, Milorganite is safe to use. There’s no risk of contaminating the soil with harmful chemicals and exposing yourself at risk, which isn’t a feature to be overlooked.

How Fast Does Milogranite Work?

Once it’s applied correctly and environmental conditions are met, you can expect to see the first signs of Milorganite efficiency within a week. The grass will start by taking on a greener color. In about two weeks, it’ll start showing signs of accelerated growth. Also, the grass will look healthier as it grows. Then, after approximately three weeks, you’ll see its full potential.

However, pay attention to the color of the lawn. It should be lush and green. If it appears yellow, it’s an indication that the grass has been scorched due to high nitrogen uptake. A faded pale green, on the other hand, would mean that either quantity applied or nitrogen uptake is low. Therefore, make sure to apply the right amount.

Tip: Note: If there are no visible results after a week, you have either applied the fertilizer incorrectly or at the wrong timing.

The nitrogen fertilizer from “Milogranite” shows improvement in the first week! You can get a 32-pound bag at Amazon, and have it delivered to your home. It’s highly recommended!

When To Apply Milorganite to The Lawn?

So as Milorganite reaches its full potential and you don’t miss out on any of its benefits, you should know when and how often to apply it to the lawn. Depending on your grass type, there are two different schedules of the optimum time to fertilize the lawn. Nonetheless, it’ll take four applications per year for both types.

  • Cool-Season Grasses

If it’s cool-season grass you need to fertilize, the schedule is the following:

  • End of May
  • Mid-July
  • Early September
  • Mid-November
Note: The last application should be as late as possible in the growing season but before the first frost day.
  • Warm-Season Grasses

When it comes to warm-season grasses, the ideal time to apply Milorganite is

  • Mid-April
  • End of May
  • Early September
  • Mid-October
Note: The ideal soil temperature for Milorganite is around 55–85°F.

How to Apply Milorganite?

As I mentioned earlier, it’s essential for Milorganite to be applied properly, so it reaches its full effectiveness. To do so, follow the steps below.

  1. Water the soil at least 3 days before applying the fertilizer.
  2. Mow the lawn. To make sure the fertilizer reaches the grass roots, mow it lower than usual.
  3. Apply the fertilizer with a rotary spreader. Make sure to set it to its highest setting, so it spreads as much as possible at a time. For the first pass, slowly walk back and forth in a North to South direction. For the second one, walk East to West to get good coverage.
  4. Once you’re finished, water the soil.


How much Milorganite per 1000 sq. ft.?

To cover 1000 sq. ft. of your lawn, you’ll need 14 lbs. of Milorganite. That being so, depending on your lawn size, make sure to correctly determine the amount of fertilizer you need to apply in order to get the best results.

What happens if I overapply Milorganite?

If you apply an excessive amount of Milorganite on the lawn, the nitrogen will burn the grass, giving it a yellow look. Therefore, make sure to spread the right amount of fertilizer at the right time, so your grass grows healthy and green.

Can I apply Milorganite before rain?

As a matter of fact, you can apply Milorganite anytime. Therefore, as long as it’s not a downpour, you can apply the fertilizer not only before but during rainfall as well. Speaking of heavy rain, it’s most likely to wash the Milorganite away.

Does Milorganite need to be watered in?

It’s not necessary to water Milorganite after application since it’ll stay on the soil until the environmental conditions are just right for the nutrients to break down. However, once you apply it, it’s recommended to water Milorganite to ensure it’s in contact with the soil and speeds up the fertilization process.

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