Culture Magazine

How It's Done, Part 2: Tools and Methods (GVM008)

By Bbenzon @bbenzon
In the middle we have aerosol cans, the traditional medium of graffiti writers and used by street artists as well. The water is for thinning bucket paint. In the back we have a roller handle: 20140907-IMGP0170 V4 Touch-up with short-handled roller: 20140907-IMGP0161 V4 Drawing the body with a long-handled roller: 20140905-IMGP9918
Hand-cut stencils; notice the gloves at the left: 20140907-IMGP0169 Using a stencil to make one of the hundred's of diamonds in the woman's dress: 20140907-IMGP0190 Detail work with a brush (very old school, of course, even Old Masters). Notice Vexta's respirator at right (not at all Old Masters, those dudes breathed the straight turpentine): 20140907-IMGP0155 Stencils, well-used. Notice the tether cable at the right: 20140911-IMGP0323 V4

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