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Thank You in the Blogging World
How important is it to say “thank you” in the blogging world? Everyone likes to feel appreciated and thanking others for reading your blog or commenting is crucial. In real life too Thank You’s are of the utmost importance. It’s part of having good etiquette and the way we interact with others. People love to feel appreciated. A simple thank you shows appreciation towards others.
~ Thank You Quote by Ralph Marston
Do You Really Need A Thank You Page?
What got me thinking about thanking readers was the other day when I visited a blog post and commented. After I left the comment I wanted to share the post on the social networks. But the post instead took me to a thank you page. Really? Is that really necessary? I didn’t have time to go back to the home page and figure out where the post was. It was a frustrating experience because I do like to share posts if I leave a comment on them. Could the blogger have thanked me in other ways?
I asked the question about a thank you page on my Facebook page:
Post by Blog – Inspire to Thrive.How Do You Thank Others On Your Blog? Here are 5 of My Favorite Ways:
- Giveaways – Have giveaways for your readers on a monthly or seasonal time period. You could give away a product, a PayPal gift card, an eBook, etc.
- Comments – You can thank them in your comments and/or you can go comment on their blog.
- Free eBooks – Give away your eBook for those that subscribe to your blog. You can get my Tweeting Tips eBook here.
- Share your readers posts on the various social networks. And share more than one time! Fill up your Buffer or Hootsuite with their posts. Of course be sure the posts are relevant to your niche too.
- Mention your readers on your future posts. People love to be mentioned on others blogs. Why not give them a mention if they are worthy of one in a future post?
Read How Other Bloggers Thank Their Readers:
@Lisapatb I say “thank you” In audio, video, email and on social networks.
— Ileane Smith (@Ileane) March 20, 2014
@Lisapatb Interesting question. I try to show them I respect them by posting as consistently as I can. I try to acknowledge comments, too.
— Patrick Phillips (@patricksplace) March 20, 2014
@Lisapatb By visiting their blogs & commenting & sharing. I also thank them for doing the same for me too!
— Adrienne Smith (@AdrienneSmith40) March 20, 2014
@Lisapatb @Ileane @AdrienneSmith40 @MayuraDeSilva @angeld0ve @JustBrenLee @timbo1973 @NotNowMomsBusy I send them chocolates :>
— Ashley Faulkes (@madlemmingz) March 20, 2014
@Lisapatb Have a page implemented to thank ‘em. Let them know I’m thankful for reading at the end of each post, plus in responses.
— Mayura De Silva (@MayuraDeSilva) March 20, 2014
@Lisapatb @angeld0ve @JustBrenLee @NotNowMomsBusy If they share stuff, I tend to try and engage with them and get to know them better.
— Tim Bonner (@timbo1973) March 23, 2014
@Lisapatb @angeld0ve @timbo1973 @NotNowMomsBusy with a simple shout out, thank you
— Bren (@JustBrenLee) March 23, 2014
More Thank You Quotes
The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you.” ~John E. Southard.
Thank you is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding.” ~ Alice Walker.
Feeling good about your life, but not expressing a heartfelt ‘thank you,’ is like wrapping a gift for someone and never giving it to them.” ~ Chip Conley
What do you think of those thank you pages?
I’d love to hear how you like to be thanked by other bloggers in the comments.
Thank you!