Happy Thursday and happy semi-formal season, readers!
Yes, I know, I know that this end of the sentence seems stressful. How is it already time to start getting ready for semi-formal? The dress shopping, spray tan appointments, and finding a date.
The concept of promposals and outlandish ways to ask a date always flood my Instagram feed and Pinterest boards. Last year, I chose to only ask my date with a tacky, poorly rhymed poster.
So this year, when I was deciding to ask my best friend in the entire world, I knew that I wanted to do something fun. He knew he was coming, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to ask in a fun way!
After spending more hours than I would like to admit to on Pinterest, I found a cute way to finally ask!
Check it out:

So fun fact, thanks to my mom, I grew up loving donuts. All my friends know that I love jelly donuts cause it makes me think of my mom when I’m home sick at school and I even decorated my resident’s doors around Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. Paul knows this, so I thought I could easily show up at his room and just offer him a donut.
He knew I was coming from my daily Dunkin trip, so before I went into his room I wrote on the inside, “DONUT be surprised….SEMI?” So when I walked in and had a box of donuts, he didn’t think anything of it. I easily just asked him if he wanted one, opened the box, and he read the inside! Super cute, super fun, and super easy!
If you want to ask your crush, best friend, boyfriend, or even just the cute kid in your English class, there’s so much more than just a “hey, want to come to semi with me?” text. Here’s some of my personal favorites I found on Pinterest!
With chicken wings: “I didn’t know how to ask you, so I decided to just WING it- semi?”

Red solo cups: “Don’t make me go SOLO to semi!”

A fish: “I picked you out of all the FISH in the sea, so will you come to semi with me?”

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Chicken McNuggets: “I’d be one lucky NUGGET if you went to semi with me!”

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Pizza: “I know this is CHEESY, but semi?”

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Do you have an event coming up that you’re going to ask someone to? Let me know how you’re going to do so below!