"According to the legend, during the crusades the knight Bozon de Blacas was held prisoner by the Saracens; he vowed to hang a star over his village of he was able to return. No one knows how the star was originally hung there." via wiki
"Above the town, between those two rocky mountains, a gold-painted star hangs on a 225m-long chain suspended between two cliffs. Its origin, according to a legend popularised by Provençal poet Frédéric Mistral, lies in the 10th century; the original star and chain have been replaced several times since then. The current star is about 50 years old. Ten years ago it fell after the chain snapped, and was rehung using a helicopter." via wiki.
A golden star,
still hangs,
thousands of years later,
it is the first thing you see,
and the first question you ask,
"How did they get it there?"
Where does my golden star hang?
Does it inspire others, as the one Moustiers inspired me?
Those were the questions I thought about...
Finding meaning in my everyday, listening to the symbols that present themselves to find my way.

How do you find your way?