Society Magazine

How Do I Stand up for Jesus?

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
Carlene Davis sings a reggae version of "Stand up, Stand up for Jesus". I like that song a lot. Here is the story of its writing.
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus, the Song and the Story
Composer George Duffield Writes Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
Episcopalian Reverend Dudley A. Tyng (1825-1858) was a dynamic preacher known for taking strong stands against evil, no matter what the cost. His sermon regarding the evils of slavery in America is still in print today. This sermon resulted in him being removed from one of his pastorates.
On Tuesday, March 30, 1858, Tyng preached a sermon on Exodus 10:11, “Go now ye that are men and serve the Lord”, at a YMCA noon mass meeting. Tyng delivered his message to 5,000 men that day. More than 1,000 of those men responded to the altar call, to receive Jesus as their Savior. Just over a week later, Tyng lay dying as a result of a tragic accident. His final statement, whispered to friends and family, was “Let us all stand up for Jesus.”
The Sunday following Tyng's death, Presbyterian Pastor George Duffield (1818-1888) preached a sermon on Ephesians 6:14, as a tribute to the final words of his friend Tyng. He concluded his sermon with a six-stanza poem. Duffield's Sunday School superintendent printed copies of the poem and distributed them to all the congregation.
One of the pamphlets fell into the hands of the editor of a Baptist periodical. The editor was so impressed with the verses that he printed them in his widely read publication. The poem Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus, has since become one of the most recognized hymns in all English-speaking Christendom.
Several melodies have been written for Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus. The one used in most hymnals today was written by George J. Webb (1803-1907), founder of the Boston Academy of Music.
This devotional gives more specifics of Tyng's life. It is a very great story.
Do we stand up for Jesus today? I am sure there are many times throughout a day, or a month, or a life, where we are called to make a stand for Jesus and stand up for His truth. Do we heed them? Even at a personal cost to ourselves? What does it mean to stand up for Him anyway?
First, remember that there is only One Person who matters. I know you love your husband or your wife, your children, your family, your beloved friend. Love is good. But the One who matters most is Jesus. In the end, perfect love of our friends and family on earth is made possible only through His love for us. We love Him first, and all the rest follows. (1 John 4:19, Revelation 2:4, Luke 14:26).
Stand Up for Jesus!
by Walter Martin
When we see idolatry, we are supposed to be provoked. When we see evil, we are supposed to get exercised about it. If you can calmly walk through this upholstered cesspool of earth; if you can see evil, filth, degeneracy, and hear vile language; if you can see the corruption of the media and the perversion of the gospel; if you can see the multiple forms of idolatry-the worship of things and of the creation more than the Creator; if you can see this today and you are not provoked about it, then you are not in touch with God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is provoked by evil, and he stirs up the Church so that we may do something about it. (More at link.)
So when called, do we make a stand? If we are a pastor, do we make a stand even if it means risking loss of pastorate, as Pastor Tyng did? In this economy? Even if it means loss of family? (Mark 13:12). Even if it means being kicked out of your church and shunned by those with whom you used to break bread, worship, and take holy communion? Even if it means the world hates you? (John 15:18).  Even if it means loss of your own life? (Luke 21:12).
Persecution of Christians in the world is up, and coverage of it and attention to it is down. But there are Christians taking a stand every day, at peril of their lives.
Yet most of us will never be called to make that ultimate sacrifice for Jesus. Most of us can take a stand in 'small' ways every day. We can live for His glory through humble service- and give credit to Him. We can be teachable. We can repent publicly. We can witness gently to a co-worker. We can sharpen iron by helping a loved one see sin. We can read the word and take it into our heart. We can speak His name in public. All these things and more are taking a stand for Jesus.
What a privilege to stand for Him! He died on the cross in an excruciating death, taking a stand against sin and becoming sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21). Please stand up for Jesus. He has all the glory, all of it. Let's point to Him in all we think, say, and do!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, ye soldiers of the cross;
Lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss.
From victory unto victory His army shall He lead,
Till every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the solemn watchword hear;
If while ye sleep He suffers, away with shame and fear;
Where'er ye meet with evil, within you or without,
Charge for the God of battles, and put the foe to rout.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the trumpet call obey;
Forth to the mighty conflict, in this His glorious day.
Ye that are brave now serve Him against unnumbered foes;
Let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in His strength alone;
The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own.
Put on the Gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer;
Where duty calls or danger, be never wanting there.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, each soldier to his post,
Close up the broken column, and shout through all the host:
Make good the loss so heavy, in those that still remain,
And prove to all around you that death itself is gain.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, the strife will not be long;
This day the noise of battle, the next the victor's song.
To him who overcometh a crown of life shall be;
They with the King of Glory shall reign eternally.
“Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness.” ( Ephesians 6:14)

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