
How Do I Fix the Error [PII_EMAIL_066F1E5F1E4576B47760]?

Posted on the 12 May 2022 by Geetikamalik

One obstacle that arises when sending an email to consumers, such as Microsoft Outlook 2016 or Windows Mail, is [PII_EMAIL_066F1E5F1E4576B47760]. When the user does not send or receive any email, they face this mistake. This really blocks communication. There may be several causes, including the SMTP code that blocks the response of network errors, internet connectivity that cannot be relied upon, and inappropriate email authentication.

By applying four separate approaches that are consistent with all Windows and Outlook program iterations, let’s fix this error.

4 strategies to correct errors [pii_email_066f1e5f1e4576b47760].

1- Correcting [pii_email_066f1e5f1e4576b47760] Control panel error

Under the control panel, you can easily patch an email client application with the help of a ‘program and function’ framework and can get rid of the mistakes you need. Do the following:

To open the ‘Control Panel’ window, press the Windows button and enter the control panel in the search area.
Go to characteristics and systems
Click the button to select Microsoft Office 365 from the available program list.
Right -click the Edit button and select. Click the ‘fix’ button in the Pop Up Fresh window.
Follow the instructions on the screen and at any time continue, press the next button.
Wait for the end of the operation. Reset device. To see if your inbox runs properly, open the Microsoft Outlook program.

If not, reinstall the Microsoft Outlook program to run correctly is everything you need to do.

2- Repair [PII_EMAIL_066F1E5F1E4576B47760] Errors when the Microsoft Outlook program is reinstated

If the above solution is not functioning, all you need to do is reinstall the Microsoft Outlook 2016 software to get rid of the bug [PII_EMAIL_066F1E5F1E4576B4760]. To delete the program, follow these basic steps:

Start the control panel
Surfing through the application segment and function.
The next window includes the application and software installed.
Tap to choose the 2016 application for Microsoft Outlook.
You can choose the Uninstall option in the drop-down menu.
Follow the instructions on the screen, press to delete the installation.
To store updates, reset the engine.
Reinstall the 2016 Microsoft Outlook File your computer.
Start an email from Outlook to see if the error has been fixed.

3- Error through the elimination of duplicate accounts. Repair [PII_EMAIL_066F1E5F1E4576B47760] Error.

One of the credible solutions to solve the error [pii_email_066f1e5f1e4576B47760] and make the email application function for you is the detection and removal of all duplicate accounts. This is how the various accounts in the application will be deleted:

Open the account settings and click on the message tab from the Outlook menu.
If you mistakenly make one, you can see both duplicate email addresses.
To delete everything, press the ‘Delete’ tab.
After starting the view and verifying that the error is still there [PII_EMAIL_066F1E5F1E4576B47760].
If your inbox problem has been triggered by the Outlook bug, then consider correcting the SMTP port number later.

4- correct error via a separate server port number [pii_email_066f1e5f1e4576b47760]

The SMTP port server number is what you have to do. It could be the SMTP number that blocks the reception of an email client. Do the same:

Outlook launch. File> Fill in Account> Email.
Select from your email address list.
The new email window will be opened.
Tap the internet email option to see more settings.
To fix the SMTP number, press the Tab and Advanced key.
Edit 465 to 587 port numbers.
To save changes, press OK.

The post How do I fix the error [PII_EMAIL_066F1E5F1E4576B47760]? first appeared on Technology Magazine.

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